[Animation RPG]The pontiff suddenly shows up in front of a sister who lives in a remote village. The pontiff approaches her, wishing to have a physical relationship with her, but she rejects him, which makes him recognize the sister as a witch. What will become of the sister who runs away from the village...
Meryl is a Sister of a small village. Meryl, who adores an angel, believed that she could be an angel by accumulating good deed, and, therefore, she continues to do good deeds in the village.
The peaceful town has become a breeding ground for the demons due to their lust. Will Rurie be able to help her precious little sister and her friends?
The princess of Tsundele runs away from a severe education, and warps to a different world. A love romance with a man i met there? It is a story that escapes from the pursuer, and lives in a different world.