[ENG Ver.] What happens when a lactating boy clad in sexy apron seduces his older brother...

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Inhalt des Titels


When I woke up one morning, my little brother was wearing only an apron ...and lactating!?
What the hell is going on? I cannot believe the sight before my eyes... but lactating is lactating.

My little bro asks me to help him squeeze out some more milk... because like... reasons.
"Hey, if this is some kind of dream, then why not make the most of it, right?"
No doubt about it, he's hitting on me! But, shucks, why not. I take one gulp of that milk and...

The doors to a forbidden heaven of brotherly inc*st open wide!


[ENG Ver.] What happens when a lactating boy clad in sexy apron seduces his older brother... [Translators Unite]

Younger Brother:
Loves his big bro. Always thinking about him. (Shhh, it's a secret.)
They do not have parents, so he looks after his big brother like a housewife.
He has trouble being true to his feelings, so he's going in BOLD this time.
Wearing nothing but an apron and socks...!

Older Brother:
Normal guy. Is somewhat of an optimist.
He of course treasures his younger brother but...?

Sexual Play

Inc*st, nipple teasing, breast milk, suckling, belly bulges (from penetration), lewd commands, foreskin play, fellatio, anal penetration, prostate stimulation, creampie, orgasmic anal ACME, cosplay (naked with only an apron and socks)


Full Color Manga
30 pages (1 cover + 29 main pages)
JPEG / PDF format

* Unlike the sample images (which have mosaics), the manga utilizes only black bars.

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Boys' Love
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