
  • 【繁体中文版】イベリスは蝶の夢を見る [Translators Unite]
Circolo nome Translators Unite
Data di rilascio 04/07/2024
Autore sawaco
Formato dell'opera.
Formato del file.
Lingue supportate
Numero di pagine. 38

Riepilogo dell'opera

Due to a certain turn of events, the mathematics teacher ends up providing special lessons for one of his students, the silent and handsome Habu. As the two gradually grow closer, the teacher comes to realize his feelings of love for Habu, and attempts to distance himself. However, Habu catches on to that and--------?

The tale of a teacher and his student... (Seme / Uke roles are not static.)

A5 size / 38 pages
Produced September 4th 2022

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