My Weekend With Him

  • My Weekend With Him [PAPERBACK]
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My Weekend With Him [PAPERBACK]
Lanzamiento 05/26/2022
Serie 田沼と堺
Autor 熊噛舎華
Formato del Producto
Formato del Archivo
Idiomas Admitidos
Recuento de páginas 48
Tamaño del Archivo

Resumen del producto

Half a year has passed since Tanuma and Sakai began dating.

Tanuma has Saturdays and Sundays off.
Sakai has Sundays and Mondays off.

As they only have one shared day off, it is only natural that have acclimatized to making the most of their time with one another...

This is a slice of life story featuring one such weekend together.
Tanuma heads to Sakai's place, and the slow-paced relaxing time they spend together is pleasant...
But Sakai has something on his mind.

* Contains some ~slight~ erotic / sexual expressions, so this volume is R18.
Please note that the main focus of this work is not the sexual content.

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