
  • 【繁体中文版】教え子の少年と温泉えっち [Translators Unite]
Circolo nome Translators Unite
Data di rilascio 05/07/2022
Autore 十郎太
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At the hotspring... a young man with black hair accepts the dick of his foe up his femhole

【繁体中文版】教え子の少年と温泉えっち [Translators Unite]

"Teacher... this is the last time, right?"

Ryuunosuke, a male student with black hair, was being treated like a convenient cumdump by his teacher.
He feels guilt for the pleasure he experiences when violated... and harbors hatred and disgust for the teacher that is responsible for it.
As each day passes, these feelings swell up inside of him. Ryuunosuke cannot take it anymore.

[Sexual play]
Includes deep kissing, prostate stimulation, ejaculation control, high-speed piston pounding sex...
and finally, sex at the hotsprings.

31 pages (illustrations + adjusted pages included)

* Contains depictions of r*pe.
* Unlike the sample images, the actual pages use black bar censoring.
* This digital ver. has minor touchups / revisions that were not in the printed ver.

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【繁体中文版】教え子の少年と温泉えっち [Translators Unite]

Femboys. Otoko-no-ko. Crossdressing Pretty Boys. Traps... and more!

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