About Discount applications

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  • The information on this page is currently available in Japanese only.
    Scheduled for attention soon.
Circles are free to hold discount sales for past products to coincide with a new release, discount new releases for a limited time, etc. as they please.
Promote your products as you see fit.


  • After a discount is set, the discount rate and period cannot be changed.
  • You cannot apply to end sales of products that are part of a discount promotion for the following duration.
    Products set for release: From discount application to 60 days after discount ends
    For products currently on sale: From discount application to 30 days after discount ends
  • Some post-discount promotion sales may be included in the final calculation.
    If a user chooses pre-payment via convenience store and completes the order during the discount period,
    and pays after the discount period has ended, the date of payment will be reflected on the sale.
  • In the case of discounting a product upon release, the following actions are not permitted, and in serious cases may result in measures that include account deletion.
    1. Increasing the standard price of the product so the discounted price actually reflects the standard price (Including other stores).
    (I.E. Standard price at another store: 600 yen, DLsite standard price: 1000 yen + 40% OFF discount resulting in a 600 yen price.)
    2. When the discount ends, setting the standard price to match the previously discounted price.
    (I.E. Standard Price: 1000 yen + 40% OFF discount resulting in a 600 yen price. After discount ends: Setting the standard price to 600 yen.)

Products eligible for a discount setting application

1.In the case of discounting a product upon release,

please apply to set the discount after applying to register the product, but before the product releases.

2.In the case of discounting a product after release,

you can apply to set a discount 30 post-release.

3.With regards to discounting a product that has previously been discounted,

you can reapply to set a discount on any product (new or old) 30 days after the previous discount.

Conditions that restrict applications to set discounts

1.After altering a product's price, you cannot apply for a discount until 30 days after the change has been made.

2.If you apply to update a product, you cannot apply for a discount until the update application has been completed.

Restrictions that apply after applying to set a discount

1.After applying to set a discount for a product, the standard price of the product cannot be altered during the application, and for 30 days after the discount ends.

2.You cannot apply to make currently discounted products part of a DLsite discount promotion.
However, you can apply to do so 2 days after the product's discount ends.

* If the discount ends at 16:00 (JST), you can apply the next day.

About Wholesale Price

The wholesale price during a discount promotion is calculated by multiplying the discounted sale price by the wholesale price rate from the table below.
The table below shows prices in increments of ¥50, but if the discounted sale price is not divisible by ¥50, the wholesale price rate for the next sale price level is used.
Example: With an Invoice Number, a discounted work with a sales price of 1080 yen (tax included) and a wholesale price rate of 60.00% will have a wholesale price of 648 yen (tax included)

(All prices in the table exclude tax)

Sale price
Wholesale price
Sale price
Wholesale price
Sale price
Wholesale price
100 JPY 50.00 % 1,450 JPY 67.24 % 2,800 JPY 75.00 %
150 JPY 50.00 % 1,500 JPY 66.67 % 2,850 JPY 75.44 %
200 JPY 50.00 % 1,550 JPY 67.74 % 2,900 JPY 75.86 %
250 JPY 50.00 % 1,600 JPY 68.75 % 2,950 JPY 76.27 %
300 JPY 50.00 % 1,650 JPY 69.70 % 3,000 JPY 76.67 %
350 JPY 50.00 % 1,700 JPY 70.59 % 3,050 JPY 77.05 %
400 JPY 50.00 % 1,750 JPY 71.43 % 3,100 JPY 77.42 %
450 JPY 50.00 % 1,800 JPY 72.22 % 3,150 JPY 76.98 %
500 JPY 50.00 % 1,850 JPY 72.97 % 3,200 JPY 76.56 %
550 JPY 50.00 % 1,900 JPY 73.68 % 3,250 JPY 76.15 %
600 JPY 50.00 % 1,950 JPY 73.08 % 3,300 JPY 75.76 %
650 JPY 53.85 % 2,000 JPY 72.50 % 3,350 JPY 76.12 %
700 JPY 57.14 % 2,050 JPY 71.95 % 3,400 JPY 76.47 %
750 JPY 56.67 % 2,100 JPY 71.43 % 3,450 JPY 76.81 %
800 JPY 56.25 % 2,150 JPY 72.09 % 3,500 JPY 77.14 %
850 JPY 55.88 % 2,200 JPY 72.73 % 3,550 JPY 77.46 %
900 JPY 55.56 % 2,250 JPY 73.33 % 3,600 JPY 77.78 %
950 JPY 57.89 % 2,300 JPY 73.91 % 3,650 JPY 78.08 %
1,000 JPY 60.00 % 2,350 JPY 74.47 % 3,700 JPY 78.38 %
1,050 JPY 61.90 % 2,400 JPY 75.00 % 3,750 JPY 78.00 %
1,100 JPY 63.64 % 2,450 JPY 75.51 % 3,800 JPY 78.95 %
1,150 JPY 65.22 % 2,500 JPY 76.00 % 3,850 JPY 79.22 %
1,200 JPY 66.67 % 2,550 JPY 75.49 % 3,900 JPY 79.49 %
1,250 JPY 68.00 % 2,600 JPY 75.00 % 3,950 JPY 79.74 %
1,300 JPY 69.23 % 2,650 JPY 74.53 % 4,000 JPY 80.00 %
1,350 JPY 68.52 % 2,700 JPY 74.07 %
1,400 JPY 67.86 % 2,750 JPY 74.55 %

*For works whose sale price after the discount is 4,400 JPY or higher, the wholesale price will be 80% of the discounted sale price.

(All prices in the table are tax included)

Oct. 1, 2023 to end of Sep. 2026

Sale price
Wholesale price
Sale price
Wholesale price
Sale price
Wholesale price
110 JPY 48.18% 1,595 JPY 65.89% 3,080 JPY 73.51%
165 JPY 48.48% 1,650 JPY 65.33% 3,135 JPY 73.94%
220 JPY 48.64% 1,705 JPY 66.39% 3,190 JPY 74.36%
275 JPY 48.73% 1,760 JPY 67.39% 3,245 JPY 74.76%
330 JPY 48.79% 1,815 JPY 68.32% 3,300 JPY 75.15%
385 JPY 48.83% 1,870 JPY 69.20% 3,355 JPY 75.53%
440 JPY 48.86% 1,925 JPY 70.03% 3,410 JPY 75.89%
495 JPY 48.89% 1,980 JPY 70.76% 3,465 JPY 75.47%
550 JPY 48.91% 2,035 JPY 71.50% 3,520 JPY 75.06%
605 JPY 48.93% 2,090 JPY 72.20% 3,575 JPY 74.66%
660 JPY 48.94% 2,145 JPY 71.61% 3,630 JPY 74.27%
715 JPY 52.73% 2,200 JPY 71.05% 3,685 JPY 74.63%
770 JPY 55.97% 2,255 JPY 70.51% 3,740 JPY 74.95%
825 JPY 55.52% 2,310 JPY 70.00% 3,795 JPY 75.28%
880 JPY 55.11% 2,365 JPY 70.66% 3,850 JPY 75.61%
935 JPY 54.76% 2,420 JPY 71.28% 3,905 JPY 75.93%
990 JPY 54.44% 2,475 JPY 71.88% 3,960 JPY 76.24%
1,045 JPY 56.75% 2,530 JPY 72.45% 4,015 JPY 76.54%
1,100 JPY 58.82% 2,585 JPY 73.00% 4,070 JPY 76.83%
1,155 JPY 60.61% 2,640 JPY 73.52% 4,125 JPY 76.46%
1,210 JPY 62.31% 2,695 JPY 74.03% 4,180 JPY 77.39%
1,265 JPY 63.87% 2,750 JPY 74.51% 4,235 JPY 77.66%
1,320 JPY 65.30% 2,805 JPY 73.98% 4,290 JPY 77.93%
1,375 JPY 66.62% 2,860 JPY 73.50% 4,345 JPY 78.18%
1,430 JPY 67.83% 2,915 JPY 73.04% 4,400 JPY 78.41%
1,485 JPY 67.14% 2,970 JPY 72.59%
1,540 JPY 66.49% 3,025 JPY 73.06%

*For works whose sale price after the discount is 4,400 JPY or higher, the wholesale price will be 78.4% of the discounted sale price.


(All prices in the table are tax included)

Sale price
Wholesale price
Sale price
Wholesale price
Sale price
Wholesale price
110 JPY 50.00% 1,595 JPY 67.24% 3,080 JPY 75.00%
165 JPY 50.00% 1,650 JPY 66.67% 3,135 JPY 75.44%
220 JPY 50.00% 1,705 JPY 67.74% 3,190 JPY 75.86%
275 JPY 50.00% 1,760 JPY 68.75% 3,245 JPY 76.27%
330 JPY 50.00% 1,815 JPY 69.70% 3,300 JPY 76.67%
385 JPY 50.00% 1,870 JPY 70.59% 3,355 JPY 77.05%
440 JPY 50.00% 1,925 JPY 71.43% 3,410 JPY 77.42%
495 JPY 50.00% 1,980 JPY 72.22% 3,465 JPY 76.98%
550 JPY 50.00% 2,035 JPY 72.97% 3,520 JPY 76.56%
605 JPY 50.00% 2,090 JPY 73.68% 3,575 JPY 76.15%
660 JPY 50.00% 2,145 JPY 73.08% 3,630 JPY 75.76%
715 JPY 53.85% 2,200 JPY 72.50% 3,685 JPY 76.12%
770 JPY 57.14% 2,255 JPY 71.95% 3,740 JPY 76.47%
825 JPY 56.67% 2,310 JPY 71.43% 3,795 JPY 76.81%
880 JPY 56.25% 2,365 JPY 72.09% 3,850 JPY 77.14%
935 JPY 55.88% 2,420 JPY 72.73% 3,905 JPY 77.46%
990 JPY 55.56% 2,475 JPY 73.33% 3,960 JPY 77.78%
1,045 JPY 57.89% 2,530 JPY 73.91% 4,015 JPY 78.08%
1,100 JPY 60.00% 2,585 JPY 74.47% 4,070 JPY 78.38%
1,155 JPY 61.90% 2,640 JPY 75.00% 4,125 JPY 78.00%
1,210 JPY 63.64% 2,695 JPY 75.51% 4,180 JPY 78.95%
1,265 JPY 65.22% 2,750 JPY 76.00% 4,235 JPY 79.22%
1,320 JPY 66.67% 2,805 JPY 75.49% 4,290 JPY 79.49%
1,375 JPY 68.00% 2,860 JPY 75.00% 4,345 JPY 79.74%
1,430 JPY 69.23% 2,915 JPY 74.53% 4,400 JPY 80.00%
1,485 JPY 68.52% 2,970 JPY 74.07%
1,540 JPY 67.86% 3,025 JPY 74.55%

*For works whose sale price after the discount is 4,400 JPY or higher, the wholesale price will be 80% of the discounted sale price.

Wholesale price
  • The wholesale price is a tax-inclusive price calculated from the sale price (excluding tax) and the wholesale price rate.

To Manage Discounted Products
