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  • Obey Me! Asmr - Lucifer: Scenery as Beautiful as You [Obey Me!]
    Obey Me! Asmr - Lucifer: Scenery as Beautiful as You
    Obey Me!/山下和也
    / 60pt(3%)
    販売日 : 2024年08月08日
    • レビュアーオススメ!


    The ASMR highlights exactly what makes Lucifer charming; his generally calm and collected demeanor combined with his thoughtfulness and charm. It also makes a point to show his more silly/funny side, which only adds to his allure as a convincing and realistic character. I feel it really complimented his character well, and the voice acting was great and didn't feel awkward or forced at any point in time.

    Highly recommend, a very sweet and calming listen for any Lucifer enjoyers or those looking to figure out what makes him so loveable!