“Go Ahead and Come” ~The Tiger Inches Closer With His Pure Love, Sweetly but Surely~ 6

  • “Go Ahead and Come” ~The Tiger Inches Closer With His Pure Love, Sweetly but Surely~ 6 [Mobile Media Research]
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“Go Ahead and Come” ~The Tiger Inches Closer With His Pure Love, Sweetly but Surely~ 6 [Mobile Media Research]
Lanzamiento 01/18/2024
Serie “Go Ahead and Come” ~The Tiger Inches Closer With His Pure Love, Sweetly but Surely~
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Idiomas Admitidos
Recuento de páginas 27
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Resumen del producto

"I’ll erase and override the touch of all the other guys you’ve slept with until now." He goes deeper than he even should! He's not only marking her heart, but also deep inside...!! Slowly, carefully...!! Even if she falls in love with him, he'll be gone in another three months... She knows, but his love is captivating... Kotori, a girl who's looking for a serious relationship, is constantly betrayed by the men she meets. But she has someone who always worries about her. It's a part-timer at the restaurant she frequents, Taiga. The restaurant's regulars tease them saying that they're a perfect couple, but Kotori has a reason for not wanting to fall in love with Taiga... "If you’re lonely, you’ve got me." She finds herself in his gentle embrace... but it's so unfair! Who wouldn't fall in love with a younger guy who's good at sex... and who expresses his love straightforwardly?

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