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Recensione per Queen Alice〜あなたが望んだ淫欲の夢物語〜 Chapter1. 白うさぎ【がるまに限定特典付き】

    • 13/07/2023
      I'm a big fan of Alice in Wonderland and decided to buy this work because I like the white rabbit.
      I'm glad that I did I'm in love with the character, the settings and everything
      Each track is quite long but easy to listen, there's not really any plot so you can enjoy the scenario.
      The white rabbit is very cute and I like that he is also reliable. I'm really looking forward to listen to other works in this series.
      I also like the contents. The sound effects and the voice acting are amazing and give a nice vibe to it.
      Overall would definitely recommend this work even though you're not a fan of the book.
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