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Avis pour [ENG Subs] I Belonged to You

    • 29/01/2024
      J'ai adoré !
      Ichijou Hirame never ever disappoints. He did a great job of giving the feeling that Riku is sweet and kind, but has something underneath the surface. So it felt like I was being cared for while being mildly unnerved, which is exactly the vibe the summary conveyed. I'm really impressed that he was able to do that with his voice.

      Honestly, I was a little nervous when I started track 1 because I was thinking, "He's gonna do this while she's blind and has amnesia?" I was worried that this would be a more violent situation, but it worked out better than expected.

      Riku really loves the listener to pieces, to the point where I could practically see the hearts in his eyes. All he wants to do is be close to her and it was very sweet, even though the some of the sex scenes are coerced. Overall I love the work, and I'll definitely listen to it again

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