
  • レビュアーランキング: 100位

  • 投稿数ランキング: 86位


  • 【愛情欲求×連続絶頂】無意識ストーカーな彼が“一方的な愛”を押し付けてくる [°˖✧Lovely Bear✧˖°]
    °˖✧Lovely Bear✧˖°/初時チェリー
    1,386 1,980 / 126pt(10%)
    30%OFF ~7/7 23時59分
    販売日 : 2024年06月10日
    • レビュアーオススメ!


    Wowwwww this work has everything that I ever asked for!!! As a huge fan of Uitoki-san (especially his stalker + yandere types of works), I was really looking forward to this work since the announcement came out. And once I finished listening to this work, I came to write this review right away!

    Oh lord!!! Saki-san, I am honestly loved to be controlled and ordered by you! The way you gave all the corrupted pleasures to the heroine was over the top. I know if this happens in real life, it would be really scary, but when it comes to drama cd, it was one of my favorite types of scenarios lol.

    Uitoki-san’s voice acting in this work was exceptionally awesome!!! His voices were so sexy that I had an amazing time while listening to this work! Honestly, I needed to take a break in each track in order to finish listening to this voice drama lol

    In the end, if you are looking for a superb yandere x stalker x deep voice main guy, this is the work for you!

  • 【溺愛×性感開発×中出し】イクイク全身敏感おまんこ化レッスンで愛あるぬちゃトロ中出し [chupa]
    1,980 / 180pt(10%)
    販売日 : 2024年06月05日
    • レビュアーオススメ!


    This work is so perverted lol. I love the combination of chupa circle x Koitsuda-san as this circle always find a way to pull out Koitsuda-san’s maximum ability in his voice acting! It was sooooo sexy and very 変態 the same time!!!! You will have enough sexy moment with Haruta-kun to your heart’s content!

    He will give you all the イチャイチャ moments regardless of the places lol. Once you enter his えっち side, you can never go back again! Thank you so much for this amazing and very hentai work! I love how Koitsuda-san has given us one of his best performances. Love this work so much!


    1人 が役に立ったと答えています
  • カレノトモダチ -心も体も奪い尽くしてボテ腹にしてあげる- [Sacrifice]
    カレノトモダチ -心も体も奪い尽くしてボテ腹にしてあげる-
    1,430 / 130pt(10%)
    冷めかけた恋人との関係は、いつ終わってもおかしくなかった。 喧嘩や浮気、何かきっかけがあれば。 これは貴方と──貴方を堕としたいカレノトモダチとの物語。
    販売日 : 2023年03月04日
    • レビュアーオススメ!


  • おまえを逃がさない~Follow your heart~ [chocolat blanc]
    おまえを逃がさない~Follow your heart~
    chocolat blanc/佐和真中
    2,849 4,070 / 77pt(3%)
    30%OFF ~7/18 23時59分
    全年齢 セット割対象作品
    販売日 : 2020年06月12日
    • レビュアーオススメ!


    He's so adorable!!!! At the first part of this story, it started a bit rough. However, the level of innocent of the heroine really surprises me as she really let him do as he wishes from the first time so easily....

    Although they started out wrong, but they slowly turned the relationship into the correct path... They begin dating... talking... and being honest towards each other. This guy (which I don't even know his name lol) has changed drastically from the first day they met. I can sense that he starts falling in love with the heroine slowly but surely. The ending of this story was really sweet too! It was very heartwarming :)

    Sawa-san's voice acting in this work is so sexy!!! His H-scenes voice acting never disappoints me. All of his kissing/ licking/ moaning/ cumming voices really satisfied me. He's truly a veteran voice actor!

  • 俺の愛で死んじゃえよ~ぐちゃぐちゃに、なる…まで、アイシテ?ア、ゲル~ [U/Crosette]
    770 / 70pt(10%)
    販売日 : 2023年09月29日
    • レビュアーオススメ!


    Hayami-san's voice acting in this work is totally insane! I mean... we don't even know who he is when he suddenly appears in front of the heroine (she lost some of her memories when she got into an accident), but he already becomes super hostile towards the heroine.

    He forces himself onto the heroine as soon as they met and the heroine has no way to resist at all. Although Hayami-san's voice acting in the H-scene was super sexy, but dang... this guy was also super scary too lol. It was a bit sad that throughout the end, we still have no idea who is this guy... But I can feel that he is someone from the heroine's past who has held her dearly in his heart, hence, he was so sad that he was forgotten by the heroine.

    If you are prepared for the super rough sex scene and full of questions, this is the work for you!

  • 【繁体中文版&简体中文版剧本付】今も昔も隣に住んでる凪兄ちゃんは今日も違う女を抱いてる [melisma]
    1,078 1,540 / 98pt(10%)
    30%OFF ~7/5 23時59分
    実家が隣同士の大好きな幼馴染の凪にぃは、 いつからかいつも違う女を連れているようになった。 凪にぃのことが昔から好きだったあなたは凪にぃの姿を見ているのが辛くなり進学を機に一人暮らしを始めるが なぜか凪にぃも隣に引っ越してきて…!? 今日も隣から聞こえる情事の声…ついに耐えきれなくなったあなたが「もう凪にぃのこと好きでいるのやめる。」 と伝えると…!?凪にぃの愛からあなたはもう逃げられない。
    販売日 : 2023年10月06日
    • レビュアーオススメ!


  • 秀才オタクくん、初恋相手に暴走不可避!?超絶甘やかしレ○プで目指すは強○らぶらぶゴールイン! [Lovable Tears]
    Lovable Tears/天河雄成
    1,980 / 180pt(10%)
    販売日 : 2024年04月29日
    • レビュアーオススメ!


  • Illusion-深淵に貪られて- [Destruction]
    1,320 / 120pt(10%)
    販売日 : 2020年04月25日
    • レビュアーオススメ!


  • 【被愛妄想男子の狂愛】君は僕のお姫様〜好き好き好き好き好き好き好き好き大好き【拗らせキメセク監禁】 [Sugar Holic]
    Sugar Holic/マシュマロ焼太郎
    1,540 / 140pt(10%)
    【出演:マシュマロ焼太郎】アイドルとして活動している貴方はある日、行き過ぎた行動を起こしていた歩夢というファンをライブ出禁にする。 これで一安心そう思っていたが……ライブの帰り道に歩夢が待ち伏せして……!? 「ふふっ……これで俺と君、ずっとふたりでいられるね」
    販売日 : 2024年04月06日
    • レビュアーオススメ!


    Marshmallow-san surprised me with his yandere character again..!!!! As I already had some experiences with Marshmellow-san's yandere character, this work shows us that he has already leveled up to another level! His voice acting becomes better! I really love the idea that the heroine was an idol and Ayumu-kun is your diehard fan.

    When he got banned and unable to join any of your event, he chose an extreme method, abducts you, and confines you, makes you eventually turns into his sex servant. Apart from Marshmallow-san's voice acting in the H-scenes, I really love his voices when he slowly turns into a super yandere mode. Maybe because I'm a masochist so I love really being yelled at by him lol. You will feel the excitement that Ayumu-kun will slowly become more hostile towards you. The ending was as I expected. The heroine can no longer run away from Ayumu-kun. I really love this twisted ending XD

    Marshmallow-san really did an amazing job in this work. His voice acting has improved a lot. I had a very immersive experience when I listened to this voice drama. If you loves the yandere main guy, this is the work for you!

  • 年下でクズな執着系ヤンデレ元カレの復縁ドSレ○プ〜黒歴史の弱みを握られて孕むまで種付けされました〜 [バタリンコちゃん]
    1,540 / 140pt(10%)
    期待の若手経営者として、日々仕事に邁進するあなた。 ある夜、大事な商談を終え疲れたあなたは、癒しを求めてホストクラブへと足を傾ける。 煌びやかな空間に、見た目の優れたホストたち。 初回料金ということもあり、のんびりとお酒を楽しんでいると…
    販売日 : 2024年04月27日
    • レビュアーオススメ!


    As soon as I saw the cast name + the story of this voice drama, I had zero hesitation and purchased this work right away. In my opinion, Hirame-san + yandere character are one of the best combination so far that I have ever listened to in R18 drama cds. This time, Hirame-san plays as Mahiro-kun, who was your ex-boyfriend from high school and he is now currently working as a Host in the host club.

    One day, you decided to go to the host club after a long weary of working day. Coincidentally, you met with Mahito who was your high school sweet heart. Although you were part away from each other for 6 years, but Mahito has never forgotten about you even a second. When he threatens you that he will blackmail all your sexy pictures, you have no choice but to follow his order.

    And then, the dark heaven has begun!! OMG!!! I really love Hirame-san's voice acting in this work so much. He portrays as Mahito-kun so well. Their H-scenes are superb. Honestly, I can feel that Mahito really loves you and he was really hurt when the heroine dumbed him without any reason. He always keeps you in his heart to the extend that he even has your name (Kanji + Hiragana + Romanji) tattooed on his body lol.

    I can understand why though. Because you were each other first person. When Mahito finally got you, he will never let you go again... The level of sexiness in this work is amazing. Hirame-san has showed us all of his extraordinary voice acting in this work. The sexy scenes are so sexy as well as the yandere scene is super yandere as well.

    If you are ready to experience some twisted love from your ex-boyfriend, this is the work for you!

    2人 が役に立ったと答えています
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