After he finds her hidden hentai manga...
"Tama" enjoys reading naughty manga stories, but...
One of those manga (doujinshi) is found by her childhood friend "Suzu."
Thinking that he will be critical of her hobby, she is saddened...
However, surprisingly enough, he instead tells her that it's nothing to be ashamed of.
Which he immediately follow up with a confession that he enjoys naughty things too... and a kiss.
Unable to resist her curiosity towards sex, she spends the night with him...
and thus triggers the beginning of his obsessive love for her.
Erotic contents:
Nipple teasing, cunnilingus, obsessive teasing, ear licking, verbal teasing, squirting, cross-section cuts (seX-ray views), copious amounts of creampie, pregnancy test kit, pleasure corruption, vulgar moaning and groaning in the throes of passion with heart symbols galore... and more!
56 pages total (52 main pages + 4 pages of cover, etc.)
* Unlike the sample images, the actual pages use white bar censoring.