あと{{ rentaled.limit }}{{ rentaled.period }}まで
{{$t('product.title_works.limit_sales')}} {{ product.discount_rate == 100 ? $t('product.title_works.only_now_free') : product.discount_rate + '%OFF' }}
{{ product.discount_rate == 100 ? $t('product.title_works.only_now_free') : product.discount_rate + '%OFF' }}
{{ $t('product.price.til', [product.discount_end_date]) }}{{ $t('product.price.point_return', [product.product_point_rate]) }}
{{ product.discount_rate == 100 ? $t('product.title_works.only_now_free') : product.discount_rate + '%OFF' }}
{{ $t('product.price.til', [product.discount_end_date]) }}{{ $t('product.price.point_return', [product.product_point_rate]) }}
판매 종료
※회원 로그인 필요
구입한 포인트로 DLsite 상품을 구매할 수 있습니다.
{{ rental.price | number_format }}JPY
{{ real_price | number_format }}JPY
구입 특전
{{ gift.title }}
{{ gift.distribute_end_str }}까지 배포중
{{ coupon.coupon_name }}
{{ coupon.end_date_str }}까지 배포중
유효기한:{{ coupon.user_limit_date }}
유효기한:취득 {{ coupon.limit_days_day }}일 후
{{ bonus.title }}
{{ bonus.end_date_str }}까지 배포중
Break Time! How do you spend your few minutes of break time at work?
Obviously it's to send nudes to your husband, Akira and get him all hot and bothered.
Please enjoy as you and him have some steamy phone sex as you try to hide from your boss!
F*ck work!
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