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「【CV:一条ひらめ】Until Death Do Us Part【元カレストーカーの密室監禁×凌辱レイプ】」 へのレビュー


2024年03月22日   wolfie さん

このレビューは参考になった x 0人

As we can immediately learn from the jacket artwork, there's certain amount of horror and suspense in this work. I almost freaked out when I heard the voice in an unexpected timing. If you love yandere, obsession or love-madness, I'm sure you'll enjoy this work but please keep in mind that male lead Hayato is not quite...sane. He's a stalker after all. And the voice actor Hirame-san did an outstanding job in depicting that madness of Hayato. I think he's getting even better at acting year by year.

* は必須項目です)
