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「くノ一監禁〜任務に失敗した私は戦国武将に手篭めにされる〜【KU100】」 へのレビュー

I loved it.

2024年01月12日   wolfie さん

このレビューは参考になった x 1人

Interesting setting, interesting plot, amazing sale price, there was no reason not to buy this work. And I loved it just like any other sugar holic works! Great deal, I would recommend this work to any sugar holic or the voice actor Koitsuda Renya's fan. So basically the plot is about the assasin mc who fails to assassinate Tokinobu the male lead. There relationship slowly turns from coercive to mutual love! I want to see more of this couple, looking forward to a sequel!

* は必須項目です)
