
  • 【韓国語版】秘密のしらゆり [Translators Unite]
Lanzamiento 03/01/2023
Autor 猫巳屋
Formato del Producto
Formato del Archivo
Idiomas Admitidos
Recuento de páginas 31

Resumen del producto

This is the tale of a medicine shop girl and a young prince.

When they were young, Lily (the medicine shop girl) and Fin (the prince) would play together in a secret place only the two of them knew about.
As they grew older, they became unable to meet due to their different social statures.
Time passed... and then they met once more.
Upon which, Lily has her way with Fin's body... who has ingested an aphrodisiac concoction.

The author simply wished to draw an assertive woman taking the lead. There isn't much story to this one.
31 pages total (29 main pages)
No role reversals. No penetrative sex. Softcore content.

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