[ENG Sub] Honey jam: Trying Things Again With My Ex

  • [ENG Sub] Honey jam: Trying Things Again With My Ex [Translators Unite]
Lanzamiento 07/22/2023
Autor なかむらさちよ
Guión なかむらさちよ
Ilustración kz
Doblador 五日天峰
Formato del Producto
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Idiomas Admitidos

Resumen del producto

Fully recorded in a studio on a dummy head microphone!

This is a story about that ex you just can't forget...

You loved him so much, but he slipped through your fingers.
You hold on to those feelings left in your heart, and when you meet him again...

- You want to tell him those feelings you've been holding deep inside
- You want to make things right with the man you loved
- You want him to gently take the lead for your first time...

What is it that you want from him?

Honey jam.

Luscious like honey and sweet like jam. Enjoy a blissful moment!


[ENG Sub] Honey jam: Trying Things Again With My Ex [Translators Unite]

First love. First heartbreak.

It's a little bitter, but it's mostly sugary-sweet...
The pain of a young love that didn't work out.

Precious memories and the courage to make things real.

A re-confession and your first night together.

In order to repair that bond you once had, experience a thrilling evening where your hearts and bodies become one.


[ENG Sub] Honey jam: Trying Things Again With My Ex [Translators Unite]

Kei Sakuraba (CV: Tenhou Itsuka)

Age: 23
Height: 180cm
Birthday: March 30
Occupation: Model
Likes: Games, anime, manga.

In middle school, he was forced into the role and spent a year working together with you as class representatives.
Right now, he's studying fashion while he works as a model. He also models for the brand "Muge" where Yuugo Hatori works.

A serious guy with a manly personality, he has a unique aura and charisma about him.
He looks cool and collected but he's actually quite passionate and earnest.

Check out track 4 to find out how he feels about you!


23 years old. A sincere, reserved person.
Ever since things ended with Kei, you haven't pursued any romantic relationships.
Kei is the only one you've been able to think of.

Guest Character

Kei's Friend & Make-up Artist CV: Kyouya Tsubaki

Track List

  • 01. Those untold feelings (introductory conversation and kissing)
  • 02. Repairing broken bonds (kissing, ear and breast licking, fondling, cunnilingus, missionary)
  • 03. A small dream (kissing and pillow talk)
  • 04. Just a little longer like this (monologue from his perspective)
  • 05. As if to fill the gap between like and love (fondling, breast licking, fellatio, lotus position, missionary)
  • 300DL Milestone Bonus (Mini drama track [Observe Kei at work])
  • 500DL Milestone Bonus (portrait illustration data)
  • 700DL Milestone Bonus (Cast Comments *PDF data)
  • 1000DL Milestone Bonus (Special short story prologue)


honey jam Official Site

Planning / Production: Sachiyo Nakamura ( https://twitter.com/sachi_aries7 )
Director: Yorozu

Script: Sachiyo Nakamura ( https://twitter.com/sachi_aries7 )
Illustration: kz

WEB / Design: Suzuki
Audio Editing: niri ( https://twitter.com/niri_emcreates )

Production: Lamina Planet ( https://lamina-pla.net/ )
Twitter: Lamina Planet ( https://twitter.com/laminapla_net )

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