[ENG Ver.] Fake Prince & Obedient Butler ~The Prince Doesn't Realize Her Butler's Love~

  • [ENG Ver.] Fake Prince & Obedient Butler ~The Prince Doesn't Realize Her Butler's Love~ [Translators Unite]
تاريخ الاصدار شهر / يوم / سنة ساعة
المؤلف 柚子姫
‏صيغة المنتج
 ‏صيغة الملف
اللغات المدعومة

‏ملخص المنتج


This country has two secrets.
One is that Prince Iria is actually a princess.
And the other is that... she has her butler pleasure her each and every night.

It all started on a passing fancy...
But with each rendezvous, her longing for his touch grows.

When her older sister marries, Iria loses her position as prince...
and in order to prepare herself for solitude, she must distance herself from her butler, but...

70 main pages / 74 total

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