
Gone Girl: The Lynching of Aoi Utsugi

  • Gone Girl: The Lynching of Aoi Utsugi [Parasite Garden]
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Gone Girl: The Lynching of Aoi Utsugi [Parasite Garden]
Veröffentlicht 29/08/2015
Serie 彼女が失踪した理由
Unterstützte Sprachen

Inhalt des Titels

Gone Girl: The Lynching of Aoi Utsugi
CV: Kurobei

You are a private investigator hired to find two missing persons.
The missing are each young girls who have appeared in the news.
While researching their details you encounter a particular man.
Aoi Utsugi is a pediatrician at a large university hospital.
From the beginning something feels off about this guy,
and the more you learn about him, the more he stinks...

You, who will do what it takes to rescue the girls, get close to him...


01: An investigative meeting 6:46
02: Aoi Utsugi 10:19
03: The misunderstanding 10:27
04: For justice's sake 6:59
05: The first time with you 26:52
06: Prison life 10:55
07: The realization 7:35

08-1: The puppet's fate 14:22
08-2: The human's fate 15:30
(These tracks contains spoilers, so save them for last)

Approx. 1 hour 30 min

00: The truth 7:01
(This track contains spoilers, so save it for last)

* This time instead of a track 00, a PDF of investigative memo is appended

* You can listen to each episode alone but they're better in sequence!

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