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Cruel Prince ~The Teased and Corrupted Mage~

  • Cruel Prince ~The Teased and Corrupted Mage~ [Numeraul]
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Cruel Prince ~The Teased and Corrupted Mage~ [Numeraul]
Círculo Numeraul
Lanzamiento 04/15/2020
Serie 男性優位
Autor ニューメロウ
Guión 片屋 亜依海
Ilustración 柳瀬せの
Doblador スキマチェリー
Formato del Producto
Formato del Archivo
/ MP3同梱
Idiomas Admitidos
Tamaño del Archivo

Resumen del producto

In this audio work, a captured mage is pleasurably teased and deflowered by the enemy prince.

"Prepare to be all mine."

Your mind is broken with words, teasing, and assaults.
Your virginity is taken, and pleases washes over you, drowning you in intestacy.

* Sieg Hart
The prince of the enemy kingdom.
Captures the mage know as a saint, and trains her as his own.
It turns out he started this war just to find and capture a beautiful woman such as yourself.

Total playback time: Approx. 35 minutes
CV: SukimaCherry

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