
  • 【簡体中文版】飢えたおじさん、ケダモノ化。~特濃孕ませセックス~ [Translators Unite]
Circolo nome Translators Unite
Data di rilascio 16/10/2022
Scenario 汐見なゆ
Illustrazione おとぎ遊戯
Doppiatore/Doppiatrice aki
Formato dell'opera.
Formato del file.
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Riepilogo dell'opera

You got dumped by your boyfriend after a difficult relationship.
You were sitting alone and about to cry when your senior at your part time job cheered you up.

His masculine energy and kindness drew you in, and wanting to be spoiled by him a bit,
the two of you went drinking together.

However, he said he "thinks of you like his younger sister", and out of shock you decide to---

[Akira Miroku]
He's considerably older than you, and isn't very adamant with long term relationships.
Usually he's a bit of a lazy guy, but he turns into a beast in bed.

4 tracks in approx. 50 minutes
* On/Off water sounds versions included for track 3 and 4

CV: aki
Illustration: OtogiYougi
Logo: Wolf's design / Anna(@runakamado)

Production: White Drop

Re-distribution of this product is strictly prohibited.

SFX: ChoiOto / On-Jin / Moon Possessed Pierrot

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