A healing music for your good sleep. 21 piano solo remixes of all songs from Changing Dreams in the Age of Science and Old Testament Tavern / about an hour and 13 min.
フランドールさえも癒しを贈る、安らぎ東方紅魔郷アレンジ。癒やし作品が多数のRe:Volteによる、声と生演奏ピアノ&バイオリンならではの揺らぎや響きで東方音楽で包みこみながら微睡むほどに癒しを誘うシリーズです。 【収録曲東方原曲:紅より儚い永遠/U.N.オーエンは彼女なのか?/亡き王女の為のセプテット/メイドと血の懐中時計/上海紅茶館 ~ Chinese Tea/ルーネイトエルフ/ほおずきみたいに紅い魂】
Relax at home like being in a cafe. 12 remixes of songs from Touhou Koumakyou inspired by an antique cafe like an old Western-style building / about 55 min.
"So this, this is the sound of Flan's breathing..." A binaurally recorded audio CD featuring a realistic sleeping together experience with Flandre Scarlet of Touhou Project.
"This feeling fluttering in my heart... it must be fate." A binaurally recorded audio CD featuring a realistic sleeping together experience with Remilia Scarlet of Touhou Project.