Desktop Changer


Exclusivité PC

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Résumé du produit

[Introduction in English]
Thank you for downloading "Desktop Changer".
With the recent increase in remote meetings, I think there are many opportunities to share PC documents.
However, a cluttered desktop with a lot of files or game icons of your hobbies is not something you want to show to others.
However, a desktop littered with files and game icons is not something you want to share with others.
This tool will switch the icons and files on the desktop according to the purpose.

[How to use]
1. Launch iconChanger.exe and this tool will be resident in the settings screen and taskbar.
2. Select any value (assuming Desktop1) from the list Desktop1-10 in the combo box on the settings screen, and press the "Register" button.
3. Next, with the icons and files you do not want to show on the desktop deleted, select any value (assuming Desktop2) from the list Desktop1-10 in the combo box, and press the Register button.
4. Select Desktop1 from the combo box list again and press the Switch button. Then the icons and files deleted in step 3 will be restored.
5. Select Desktop1 for normal PC work and Desktop2 for meetings.
If you check "Reside this application when Windows starts up. If you check the "Reside this application when Windows starts up" checkbox,
it will be resident in the task tray from the next time Windows starts up, so you can switch it from there.

(English product description provided by the creator.)

Informations sur le produit

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Date de sortie
Tous âges
Format du produit
Format de fichier
Exclusivité PC
Langues prises en charge
Taille du fichier
Configuration requise
Paramètres requis L'application peut ne pas fonctionner si un Pack linguistique japonais n'est pas correctement configuré sur votre PC ou si le Système Locale n'est pas réglé sur le japonais. Pour plus de détails, veuillez consulter [  Comment puis-je régler les paramètres linguistiques de mon système sur le japonais ? ]

Systèmes compatibles

Télécharger Flux
Versions prises en charge
10 / 11

Afficher tous les systèmes d'exploitation compatibles

Compatible avec le système d'exploitation
Windows 10 / 11
Mac -
iOS -
Android -
Autre -

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Open Projects / Promotions