New NECOGURASHI - The Divine Siamese


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Ator de voz
Moe Cura Áudio binaural ASMR Não-Humana / Monster Girl Ouvidos / Limpando os ouvidos Sussurro Orelhas de gato (nekomimi)
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MP3 / WAV同梱
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Conteúdo do produto


New NECOGURASHI - The Divine Siamese (CV: Ai Kayano)

On the menu, we've got...
- Ear cleaning
- Ear massage
- Night time bugs chirping
- Oil massage
- Shoulder-beating massage
- Head massage
- Carbonation
- Cicada chirps
- Singapura's sighs
Over 2 hours of story-driven ASMR!

One day you awaken in a strange, new world inside the mysterious Nekomeikan. You've been chosen to receive all kinds of hospitality as the Festival of Nine Souls Begins... After three whole seasons and soothing encounters with a myriad of catgirls, you may finally be close to solving the mysteries of the Nekomeikan...

New NECOGURASHI takes place in the distant future after season 3... The Festival of Nine Souls is complete. This time, you'll get to see what the cats at the inn are like when there's no festival. You'll take on the role of a regular customer who hasn't been to visit in a while. You're sure to enjoy meeting a whole litter of new catgirls! Along the way, you may even find out what happened to everyone at the Nekomeikan...

* Unauthorized reuse and redistribution of all components is prohibited.

The Divine Siamese (CV: Ai Kayano)

New NECOGURASHI - The Divine Siamese [CANDY VOICE]

"You can't wait any longer? Well then, let's get started..."

A slow-paced and soft-spoken expert in soothing. Though she finds it tiresome to interact with the other cats, she's actually the most caring of them all. There's a rumor that she has a huge secret, but nothing is certain. As of this work, she's taken over the position of Cat Goddess.

Series Story

The Cat Goddess and many of her feline friends (Calico, Black, White, and Persian) have been reborn into the real world and are living happily with the previous festival's chosen one... Now the Siamese has taken up the title of Cat Goddess, and the Festival of Nine Souls has been abolished. The Nekomeikan exists now as a place where travelers between this world and the next, including gods, can go for some rest and relaxation. There are also humans there who passed on before their time (via suicide or an accident).

The protagonist of the New NECOGURASHI series is unrelated to the main character from the previous seasons, as are many of the catgirls. Currently, the Siamese is seeking to find souls who have the aptitude to work at the Nekomeikan. There are even catgirls like the American Shorthair (now the chief catgirl) who are descended from the gods... Everyone lives together at the inn in harmony.

Can you hear the sounds of the catgirls' bells?

Track List (2:04:26)

  • ようこそ、猫鳴館へ。~シャム猫神様の場合~
  • リラックス・マッサージ 腕・肩・首
  • 頭皮とお耳のマッサージ (頭皮・耳)
  • シャム猫神様とおしゃべり
  • ねこじゃらしで優しく耳かき〜右耳・左耳〜
  • お顔のオイル・マッサージ 〜顔・両耳〜
  • シャム猫神様とおしゃべり
  • お布団で優しくマッサージ 〜お背中ほぐし~
  • 膝枕で寝かしつけ♪ (睡眠・安眠導入)


The Divine Siamese (CV: Ai Kayano)
Illustration / Character Design: Buuta
Scenario: Kunio Yanagide
Production: CANDY VOICE

Atualizar informações

  • 2021/09/29
    Correção de erros tipográficos

Avaliações de usuários

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    New NECOGURASHI ~Complete Set~
    /東山奈央, 井上麻里奈, 茅野愛衣, 鬼頭明里, 豊崎愛生, 戸松遥, 大西沙織
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    1,980  JPY
    / 180pt(10%)
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    Voz / ASMR
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    1,980  JPY
    / 180pt(10%)
    The Festival of Nine Souls is complete. This time, you'll get to see what the cats at the inn are like when there's no festival. Take on the role of a customer who hasn't visited in a while and enjoy meeting a whole litter of new catgirls!
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    Voz / ASMR
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    1,980  JPY
    / 180pt(10%)
    The Festival of Nine Souls is complete. This time, you'll get to see what the cats at the inn are like when there's no festival. Take on the role of a customer who hasn't visited in a while and enjoy meeting a whole litter of new catgirls!
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    / 180pt(10%)
    The Festival of Nine Souls is complete. This time, you'll get to see what the cats at the inn are like when there's no festival. Take on the role of a customer who hasn't visited in a while and enjoy meeting a whole litter of new catgirls!
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    Voz / ASMR
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    1,980  JPY
    / 180pt(10%)
    The Festival of Nine Souls is complete. This time, you'll get to see what the cats at the inn are like when there's no festival. Take on the role of a customer who visited in a while and enjoy meeting a whole litter of new catgirls!
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    / 180pt(10%)
    The Festival of Nine Souls is complete. This time, you'll get to see what the cats at the inn are like when there's no festival. Take on the role of a customer who visited in a while and enjoy meeting a whole litter of new catgirls!
    Lançamento : 30/08/2021

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