Horror obras

Mostrando  #primero#~#último#  de #cuenta#
  • Dark Fantasy Monster Illustration Materials [Dark Fantasy Monsters]
    Materiales de ilustración
    Dark Fantasy Monster Illustration Materials
    Dark Fantasy Monsters
    1,650 JPY 3,300 JPY / 9,91 €19,82 € / 150pt(10%)
    50% OFF ~9/10 13:59 (JST)
    An especially jam-packed set of illustrations of dark fantasy monsters for use in games and other works.
    Comprado: 896
    Lanzamiento : 01/07/2020
  • 「ホラー洋館の背景がそろう01」完全フリー素材集!! [Background material shop]
    Materiales de ilustración
    Background material shop
    990 JPY 1,980 JPY / 5,95 €11,89 € / 90pt(10%)
    50% OFF ~9/10 13:59 (JST)
    Comprado: 1,085
    Lanzamiento : 06/25/2021
  • TERROR HOUSE [retro sound create]
    Materiales de música
    retro sound create
    550 JPY 1,100 JPY / 3,30 €6,61 € / 50pt(10%)
    50% OFF ~9/10 13:59 (JST)
    retro sound create presents a set of retro game music materials! Contains 20 tracks, loopable
    Comprado: 54
    Lanzamiento : 12/21/2018
  • Maniac Sound Collection [sl*ve to convention] [ayato sound create]
    Materiales de música
    Maniac Sound Collection [sl*ve to convention]
    ayato sound create
    1,210 JPY 2,420 JPY / 7,27 €14,53 € / 110pt(10%)
    50% OFF ~9/10 13:59 (JST)
    20 tracks of songs which break free from convention utilizing indigenous Japanese religious styles of music from times past.
    Comprado: 554
    Lanzamiento : 03/17/2017
  • 『怖い』が聞こえる。ホラーに使える12曲! [Deep sea.octopuswhale]
    Materiales de música
    Deep sea.octopuswhale
    550 JPY 1,100 JPY / 3,30 €6,61 € / 50pt(10%)
    50% OFF ~9/10 13:59 (JST)
    Comprado: 86
    Lanzamiento : 12/01/2020
  • My Little Sister's Friend - Onii-san is Mine Alone [Utai_Suz]
    Voz / ASMR
    My Little Sister's Friend - Onii-san is Mine Alone
    330 JPY 660 JPY / 1,98 €3,96 € / 30pt(10%)
    50% OFF ~9/10 13:59 (JST)
    "Onii-san, you and Saki aren't alike at all, aren't you?" Lately, your little sister's friend Yomogi Rindou has been coming over regularly to play games with her. One day, she asks you if you want to exchange contact info...
    Comprado: 693
    Lanzamiento : 03/27/2023
  • [ENG Sub] My Little Sister's Friend - Onii-san is Mine Alone [Translators Unite]
    Voz / ASMR
    [ENG Sub] My Little Sister's Friend - Onii-san is Mine Alone
    Translators Unite/澤幡かえで
    330 JPY 660 JPY / 1,98 €3,96 € / 30pt(10%)
    50% OFF ~9/10 13:59 (JST)
    "Onii-san, you and Saki aren't alike at all, aren't you?" Lately, your little sister's friend Yomogi Rindou has been coming over regularly to play games with her. One day, she asks you if you want to exchange contact info...
    Comprado: 27
    Lanzamiento : 01/20/2024
  • Minikle's Background CG Material Collection "Abandoned School / Horror" part01 [minikle]
    Materiales de ilustración
    Minikle's Background CG Material Collection "Abandoned School / Horror" part01
    1,925 JPY 3,850 JPY / 11,56 €23,12 € / 175pt(10%)
    50% OFF ~9/10 13:59 (JST)
    This is a set of 40+variant images of classrooms, halls, clubrooms, campus, etc.
    Comprado: 1,012
    Lanzamiento : 11/23/2016
  • 秘封霖倶楽部 十周年記念合同本 [ND]
    秘封霖倶楽部 十周年記念合同本
    275 JPY 550 JPY / 1,65 €3,30 € / 25pt(10%)
    50% OFF ~9/10 13:59 (JST)
    Comprado: 69
    Lanzamiento : 10/10/2023
  • 【BGM素材】Cinematic Orchestral Adventure Music Pack [WOW Sound]
    Materiales de música
    【BGM素材】Cinematic Orchestral Adventure Music Pack
    WOW Sound
    2,310 JPY 4,620 JPY / 13,87 €27,75 € / 210pt(10%)
    50% OFF ~9/10 13:59 (JST)
    Comprado: 29
    Lanzamiento : 06/17/2022
  • Minikle's Background CG Material Collection "Daily Life" part12 [minikle]
    Materiales de ilustración
    Minikle's Background CG Material Collection "Daily Life" part12
    2,200 JPY / 13,21 € / 200pt(10%)
    13 + variant backgrounds. Modern Japanese homes and apartment interiors.
    Comprado: 1,174
    Lanzamiento : 11/11/2016
  • ダークメルヘン&ホラー BGM素材集2 [Algernon Music]
    Materiales de música
    ダークメルヘン&ホラー BGM素材集2
    Algernon Music
    605 JPY 1,210 JPY / 3,63 €7,27 € / 55pt(10%)
    50% OFF ~9/10 13:59 (JST)
    Comprado: 89
    Lanzamiento : 04/06/2023
  • I Know You Can See Me [Caramel Column Inc.]
    Voz / ASMR
    I Know You Can See Me
    Caramel Column Inc./浅見ゆい
    495 JPY 990 JPY / 2,97 €5,95 € / 45pt(10%)
    50% OFF ~9/10 13:59 (JST)
    "I Know You Can See Me" Your strange new life with the earthbound spirit Yako begins---
    Comprado: 1,257
    Lanzamiento : 02/03/2023
  • あなたの世界が終わってここから始まるお話し [+ ucca / ucca +]
    Voz / ASMR
    + ucca / ucca +/和鳴るせ
    550 JPY / 3,30 € / 50pt(10%)
    Comprado: 616
    Lanzamiento : 07/12/2022
  • ダークメルヘン&ホラー BGM素材集 [Algernon Music]
    Materiales de música
    ダークメルヘン&ホラー BGM素材集
    Algernon Music
    550 JPY 1,100 JPY / 3,30 €6,61 € / 50pt(10%)
    50% OFF ~9/10 13:59 (JST)
    Comprado: 354
    Lanzamiento : 07/24/2020
  • Dark Horror ME Perfect Collection [TK Projects]
    Materiales de música
    Dark Horror ME Perfect Collection
    TK Projects
    1,100 JPY 2,200 JPY / 6,61 €13,21 € / 100pt(10%)
    50% OFF ~9/10 13:59 (JST)
    Yu Namikoshi presents a collection of dark horror RPG music sound resources! 100 ME tracks. Can be used in commercial products.
    Comprado: 36
    Lanzamiento : 06/16/2020
  • Background Materials 008 [ART111]
    Materiales de ilustración
    Background Materials 008
    11 JPY 110 JPY / 0,07 €0,66 € / 1pt(10%)
    90% OFF ~9/10 13:59 (JST)
    Cheap background material art.
    Comprado: 95
    Lanzamiento : 03/19/2020
  • Free BGM Collection (Daily Life, Horror, Serious, Other) [Sazameki Street]
    Free BGM Collection (Daily Life, Horror, Serious, Other)
    Sazameki Street
    55 JPY 110 JPY / 0,33 €0,66 € / 5pt(10%)
    50% OFF ~9/10 13:59 (JST)
    A collection of 12 BGM tracks + bonus versions, etc. for use in games and videos.
    Comprado: 209
    Lanzamiento : 11/13/2020
  • Maniac Sound Collection Tentacles [ayato sound create]
    Materiales de música
    Maniac Sound Collection Tentacles
    ayato sound create
    880 JPY 1,760 JPY / 5,29 €10,57 € / 80pt(10%)
    50% OFF ~9/10 13:59 (JST)
    "Everyone loves tentacles~~!" "Tentacle and stylishness married~~!" The composer must have tentacles in his brain!! The fourth copyright free sound collection.
    Comprado: 405
    Lanzamiento : 06/05/2017
  • Indy Game Support BGM Variety Pack [Lute Sound]
    Indy Game Support BGM Variety Pack
    Lute Sound
    495 JPY 990 JPY / 2,97 €5,95 € / 45pt(10%)
    50% OFF ~9/10 13:59 (JST)
    A sound collection that can be used for various genre of BGM / PV.
    Comprado: 68
    Lanzamiento : 12/27/2016
  • Suffering Music Materials [BEEMYU]
    Materiales de música
    Suffering Music Materials
    1,100 JPY / 6,61 € / 100pt(10%)
    30 tracks of depressing music for your game creation, videos, etc. MP3 / OGG (loop-able) / M4A (loop-able) format.
    Comprado: 291
    Lanzamiento : 02/28/2020
  • Background Materials 002 [ART111]
    Materiales de ilustración
    Background Materials 002
    11 JPY 110 JPY / 0,07 €0,66 € / 1pt(10%)
    90% OFF ~9/10 13:59 (JST)
    Cheap background material art.
    Comprado: 145
    Lanzamiento : 03/13/2020
  • 怪奇!!憑いてる男子~真賀ノ森高校オカルト探求会~ 記録1.人形の棲む家について [kiranah]
    Voz / ASMR
    怪奇!!憑いてる男子~真賀ノ森高校オカルト探求会~ 記録1.人形の棲む家について
    kiranah/大谷祐貴, 平山龍, 大川隼汰
    880 JPY 1,760 JPY / 5,29 €10,57 € / 80pt(10%)
    50% OFF ~9/10 13:59 (JST)
    男子高校生×ホラー×コメディ「憑いてる男子」シリーズ第一弾! ある出来事をきっかけに、怪奇現象に襲われるようになったあなた。 怪異に関する相談を受け付けているという噂を頼りに"オカルト探求会"を訪ねる。 そこにいたのは、ある事情から"怪異を求めている"と言う3人で──!?
    Sección de Chicas
    Lanzamiento : 08/14/2021
  • ダークなBGM集 5曲 [TakMi Sound Factory]
    Materiales de música
    ダークなBGM集 5曲
    TakMi Sound Factory
    110 JPY 550 JPY / 0,66 €3,30 € / 10pt(10%)
    80% OFF ~9/10 13:59 (JST)
    ホラーゲームや、RPGのダークな雰囲気の場面に利用可能な音楽集です。全5曲。RPGツクールシリーズ、Wolf RPG Editor対応のループogg、m4aファイルの他、mp3ファイルと、unity向けイントロ・ループ部分割のOggファイルも同梱。
    Comprado: 66
    Lanzamiento : 08/17/2021
  • Mystery Music Library Vol.2 [TK Projects]
    Materiales de música
    Mystery Music Library Vol.2
    TK Projects
    1,375 JPY 2,750 JPY / 8,26 €16,52 € / 125pt(10%)
    50% OFF ~9/10 13:59 (JST)
    "TK Projects" presents a collection of BGM tracks best suited to mystery, horror, detective etc etc. stories! 35 tracks in OGG, WAV and M4A file format.
    Comprado: 43
    Lanzamiento : 08/02/2020
  • My Little Sister Has Gills! (Episode 3) [elephant house]
    My Little Sister Has Gills! (Episode 3)
    elephant house
    110 JPY 220 JPY / 0,66 €1,32 € / 10pt(10%)
    50% OFF ~9/10 13:59 (JST)
    A heartbreaking story of two twin girls -- one born with gills, and the other a full human who works hard to support her sister.
    Comprado: 430
    Lanzamiento : 05/31/2020
  • [ENG Ver.] My Little Sister Has Gills! (Episode 3) [Translators Unite]
    [ENG Ver.] My Little Sister Has Gills! (Episode 3)
    Translators Unite
    110 JPY 220 JPY / 0,66 €1,32 € / 10pt(10%)
    50% OFF ~9/10 13:59 (JST)
    A heartbreaking story of two twin girls -- one born with gills, and the other a full human who works hard to support her sister.
    Comprado: 4
    Lanzamiento : 02/20/2024
  • Copyright-free BGM FULL Collection Vol.6 [StudioKannazuki]
    Materiales de música
    Copyright-free BGM FULL Collection Vol.6
    2,475 JPY 4,950 JPY / 14,86 €29,73 € / 225pt(10%)
    50% OFF ~9/10 13:59 (JST)
    Original music materials for free use in games and other media. 60 BGM tracks, 15 music effects, 30 sound effects.
    Comprado: 72
    Lanzamiento : 01/07/2015
  • FREE BGM PACK VOL.3 psycho suspense [ayato sound create]
    Materiales de música
    FREE BGM PACK VOL.3 psycho suspense
    ayato sound create
    1,650 JPY 3,300 JPY / 9,91 €19,82 € / 150pt(10%)
    50% OFF ~9/10 13:59 (JST)
    Twenty-four (24) royalty-free WAV, MP3 and OGG format songs. Use as you like.
    Comprado: 295
    Lanzamiento : 09/09/2016
  • Music Materials: 12 Horror Songs [GY. Materials]
    Materiales de música
    Music Materials: 12 Horror Songs
    GY. Materials
    550 JPY 1,100 JPY / 3,30 €6,61 € / 50pt(10%)
    50% OFF ~9/10 13:59 (JST)
    A music material that can be used for commercial purposes. Sample is low fidelity mono, full song is high fidelity stereo
    Comprado: 132
    Lanzamiento : 03/15/2019

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