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Do Original Comics Sell?
110 JPY / 0,63 € / 10pt (10%Réduction)
The answer to the question, in comic form, from an original manga-ka.
  • Date de sortie: 12/05/2015
  • Nombre achetés: 309
  • (8)
  • (160)
Do original digital doujinshi sell well?
110 JPY / 0,63 € / 10pt (10%Réduction)
A manga based on real accounts and experience regarding the topic of selling original (as opposed to parody / derivative) digital doujinshi works.
Essai critique Bureau / Lieu de travail Tranches de vie / Vie quotidienne
  • Date de sortie: 03/05/2018
  • Nombre achetés: 238
  • (5)
  • (119)
I Decided to Take My Original Doujin and Release It Through an Online Distributor
110 JPY / 0,63 € / 10pt (10%Réduction)
A comic depicting how to take your original manga and upload it digitally under famous online distributors!
Essai critique Bureau / Lieu de travail Tranches de vie / Vie quotidienne Non-fiction / Histoire vraie
  • Date de sortie: 28/04/2019
  • Nombre achetés: 168
  • (7)
  • (72)

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Air Comiket

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