Doujin Jeu / VidéoClassement (2014年)

Voir le classement des produits à venir ici
Année ciblé:
Nombre achetés21
Kimi ga Matsu, Kono Basho de.  [sis-tears]
Kimi ga Matsu, Kono Basho de.  [sis-tears]
Roman e-book
Kimi ga Matsu, Kono Basho de.
110 JPY / 0,69 € / 10pt (10%Réduction)
At the shrine he always visited, Kiyoshi met a mysterious maiden.
Emotionnel / Touchant Guérison Jeune fille Miko / Fille de sanctuaire
  • Date de sortie: 05/03/2014
  • Nombre achetés: 166
  • (1)
  • (77)
Nombre achetés5
sola and piyo-chan the future detective: episode essential [fuwafuwaso]
sola and piyo-chan the future detective: episode essential [fuwafuwaso]
Roman e-book
sola and piyo-chan the future detective: episode essential
1,100 JPY / 6,91 € / 100pt (10%Réduction)
Sleuth the picturebook-y future of Shinjuku at your leisure in this award-winning game (2013, 2016), enriched with lots of dazzling Vocalo songs!
MusiqueVersion d'essaiコミケ84
Emotionnel / Touchant Guérison Jeune fille Comédie SF Mystère
  • Date de sortie: 22/08/2013
  • Nombre achetés: 20
  • (13)
Nombre achetés3
sola and piyo-chan the future detective: episode 01+02 [fuwafuwaso]
sola and piyo-chan the future detective: episode 01+02 [fuwafuwaso]
Roman e-book
sola and piyo-chan the future detective: episode 01+02
1,100 JPY / 6,91 € / 100pt (10%Réduction)
Sleuth the picturebook-y future of Shinjuku at your leisure in this charming, award-winning cyberpunk game. It's episode #3, but it's OK to play on its own!
MusiqueVersion d'essai
Emotionnel / Touchant Guérison Jeune fille Comédie SF Mystère
  • Date de sortie: 22/12/2012
  • Nombre achetés: 24
  • (14)
Nombre achetés2
sola and piyo-chan the future detective: episode haunted [fuwafuwaso]
sola and piyo-chan the future detective: episode haunted [fuwafuwaso]
Roman e-book
sola and piyo-chan the future detective: episode haunted
1,100 JPY / 6,91 € / 100pt (10%Réduction)
Solve the fluffy, adorable, classic mystery of an ice cream seller's last will and testament in this award-winning detective game (2013, 2016)!
MusiqueVersion d'essai
Emotionnel / Touchant Guérison Jeune fille Comédie SF Mystère
  • Date de sortie: 22/12/2012
  • Nombre achetés: 19
  • (14)

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