[ENG Ver.] Flower of Reminiscence

  • [ENG Ver.] Flower of Reminiscence [Translators Unite]
Lanzamiento 11/25/2023
Autor recipe
Música recipe
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/ wav m4a
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Resumen del producto

A story about girls who have a brush with one another's foreign exoticism and a tune representing the manga's theme.

24 main pages / 28 total
JPG file format

Main Characters

  • [ENG Ver.] Flower of Reminiscence [Translators Unite]

    Name: Magnolia
    Age: 15
    Personality: Bright, invigorating, and diligent.
    She likes pretty things and sweet things.

  • [ENG Ver.] Flower of Reminiscence [Translators Unite]

    Name: Sumire (Japanese for viola / violet.)
    Age: 12
    Personality: Calm and reserved.
    She likes books and cute things.

Manga Theme Tune

  • 庭園の少女.wav
  • 庭園の少女.m4a

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