
  • 【韓国語版】10年前の好きなヒト [Translators Unite]
Circolo nome Translators Unite
Data di rilascio 22/11/2023
Autore 色谷あすか
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With the promise he made 10 years ago held within his heart, Natsuto is reunited with Yuu.
Even though he is fully aware that she doesn't remember him, her voice and smile are evoke nostalgia and he cannot help but reminisce on the past...

A a cheerful rom-com story that has a tinge of sadness.

28 pages
PDF / JPG format

Circle: aoirokanata
Author: Asuka Shikitani


  • 【韓国語版】10年前の好きなヒト [Translators Unite]


    A girl with an ordinary personality.
    She does not remember Natsuto.

  • 【韓国語版】10年前の好きなヒト [Translators Unite]


    A guy who made a promise with Yuu in the past.

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