Future song and linked eyes

  • Future song and linked eyes [Supplement Time]
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Future song and linked eyes [Supplement Time]
Nama Circle Supplement Time
Tanggal rilis 01/10/2009
Batas usia
Semua umur
Format Karya
Format file
Bahasa yang didukung
Ukuran file
Persyaratan sistem
Direct Sound対応カード
Catatan mengenai gameplay Pastikan paket berbahasa Jepang telah diatur dengan benar di komputer Anda atau lokal sistem diatur ke bahasa Jepang. Ada kemungkinan aplikasi tidak berfungsi. Untuk informasi lebih lanjut, silakan lihat bantuan [Bagaimana cara mengatur lokal sistem ke bahasa Jepang? .

Konten Karya

Our first encounter was terrible. Our meeting is terrible each time. Our conversation is terrible each time.
You and me.
If we hadn't known each other, we wouldn't have changed.

However, we learned that:

It's more fun to be two of us.
The music can cross the line between a man and a non-human.
New sound appears from our encounter.
The more we know about each other, the tighter our bond becomes.

New "song" created by two binds us together and spreads to the world...

Informasi Karya / Persyaratan Sistem

Celeron 566MHz 以上
256MB 以上
300MB 以上
800×600 High Color
Ver.3.0 以降

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