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Recensioner för 奴隷少女さとみ

    • This work is about the captivity and sexual training of a high school girl kidnapped by human traffickers. She gets a nipple injection of aphrodisiac to begin her training. She then goes through forced blowjob, titjob and electrical dildo teasing. Of course, she ends up being taken. She is hampered and bound during that time.
      Note that most of the time, the guys appear in transparency in front of the girl. You will also find a couple cross-section views but they are far from being the main focus.
      The graphics of this work are fairly good, I just wish the girl's expressions had varied a bit more.
      Overall, it is a solid pick up, unless you are really not into rape fantasies, obviously.

      1 användare tyckte att detta var användbart.

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