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对「イドラの影~The Shadow of Yidhra~」的赏析

    • 2022年09月12日
      Shadow of Yidhra is a nice run-'n-gun side-scroller, with clean mechanics, good graphics, and smooth animations. It's a pretty standard story--"Where am I? Who am I? Why are there zombies everywhere, and why am I so good with guns?"--that does what it needs to do and keeps the action moving. Caveat: The translation is not spectacular. You rarely run into anything that's totally incomprehensible, but some of the notes you find are definitely confusing, and the dialogue is sometimes clunky. Furthermore, some of the conversations kinda stretch credibility; it's hard to imagine making friends with somebody who decorates their lair with what looks like innocent abduction victims. :P

      There's an excellent selection of power-ups; you can customize your character for all kinds of different attributes and builds. I think all of them can be effective, used properly, but you'll likely settle on a focus or two and fill your slots with ones that work with your play style.

      Weapons are good, but there are clear winners and losers, and you don't really need to collect all of them. Some of the late-game weapons are markedly inferior to ones you got earlier, and others can be skipped entirely. There's almost TOO much ammo and health available; I never once felt any kind of tension related to my supplies.

      The enemies are definitely a plus here. Each type moves and attacks differently, and you really need to learn to read them to avoid getting pummeled. Unfortunately, there aren't many places where you have to worry about new enemies spawning behind you, so again, there's a lack of tension.

      H-animations are good, and nicely animated. There are a couple of variations for each enemy, and the gallery interface is simple and easy to navigate.

      There is ONE broken thing that can literally stop you from finishing the game. I'm not sure if it's been addressed or not, but there's a scene in the survivor village where the game glitches out unless you temporarily switch the language to Japanese. It's right after someone says something about "check the room;" change the language when you talk to the children outside.

      All in all, it's fun enough to play through once or twice, but likely won't hold a ton of replay value after that. You might dust it off every couple of years or so, and spend a few hours trying out a different build, but for me, it's not going to be a constant fapping companion.


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