Using the basic fomrula of the classic Minesweeper while mixing in several simple but interesting mechanics, I found myself playing much quite absorbed in this game. The english translation is also surprisingly good.
The game adds a lot of interesting roguelike elements to the minesweeper formula, like items, monsters, different types of traps, erotic status effects and even a skill tree that is unlocked by completing objectives during stages.
Honestly I am in awe of the way this game drew me into the minesweeper formula, which I am normally not a big fan of. Expertly done and I could see myself easily spending hours playing this trying to master it again and again.
Review written for version 1.02
If you played Goblin Adventure Hunting or Goblins Strike Back, you already have a general idea of what this game feels like to play, but the dev (Ketchup AjiNo Mayonnaise) has continue to refine and improve his formula with each game.
The art and scenes are better than in previous works, though there's currently a lack of voice and animation (perhaps future updates?) and there's an impressive variety of them--- rather than having 6-8 different girls with one or three scenes each, there are 6 traps and 10 monsters who each have their own scene... with each of the 6 types of girl. There are even unlockable alternate costumes that can be worn by any girl, with an option to make the npc girls encountered in the dungeon be wearing random ones for variety.
New to the dev's games is a timing-based minigame that allows you to bypass traps and monsters you don't have enough stats to remove safely, which adds a little more interaction regular combat than the previous games' fight or fightx10 commands.
There is also a wealth of special loot to collect, but only three types of currency you need to generate; gold (earned during runs), exp (generated passively based on steps traveled) and dpt (generated passively based on steps traveled.)
As a quick tip, you will earn much more dpt by selling diamonds and converting the points into dpt than you will ever generate passively by progressing through runs, so don't be afraid to spend them for upgrades.
Overall I'd say this is definitely Ketchup's best work so far, and if you only try one of his games, it should be this one.