Akisa is the planner of the magical girls, easily the first priority of their enemy demons.
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{{ $t('product.price.til', [product.discount_end_date]) }}{{ $t('product.price.point_return', [product.product_point_rate]) }}
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{{ is_favorite ? '已追加至收藏' : '追加至收藏' }}登录数{{ product.wishlist_count }}
{{ is_favorite ? '已追加至收藏' : '追加至收藏' }}登录数{{ product.wishlist_count }}
{{ gift.title }}
发放到{{ gift.distribute_end_str }}为止
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有效期限:{{ coupon.user_limit_date }}
有效期限:领取的{{ coupon.limit_days_day }}日后
{{ bonus.title }}
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Akisa is the planner of the magical girls, easily the first priority of their enemy demons.
A girl who is cheerful and hopeful all the time, corrupted Akisa deemed her as a first priority to destroy the magical girls' morale.
The smart girl who owns vast knowledge on mechanics, her skills are required by the demons for the production of certain devices.
(English product description provided by the creator.)