Shadows Of Their Former Selves


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Konten Karya

Misato and I, Asuka, were popular idols until recently.
The agency sent us to an affiliate training seminar called Idol Stage Two.
"This is where older talent comes to regain market relevance."
It wasn't career rehabilitation... We were more like recycled goods.
Ultimately, we'd be escorts and whores.
But first, they drill the principles of pleasure into us.

I saw Reina-san there. She was a top idol when I started this biz.
Now she's having sex with some total stranger, and seems to be enjoying it.
Misa wanted to cut and run, but the agency has some hold on her
through her younger sister.
We're trapped here. Our training begins. Training for a new life...

Full color comc 50 pages + 50 text-free
PDF included

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