ImagineGirls "Vienne" Version 2

VR Character Factory

Eksklusif PC

あと{{ rentaled.limit }}{{ rentaled.period }}まで

{{$t('product.title_works.limit_sales')}} {{ product.discount_rate == 100 ? $t('product.title_works.only_now_free') : product.discount_rate + '%OFF' }}

{{ product.voice_pack.sum_price | number_format }}
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{{ product.voice_pack.sum_point | number_format }}pt
{{ real_point | number_format }} pt ({{ $t('product.price.point_return', [real_point_rate]) }}) pt ({{ $t('product.price.noreduction') }})
140pt (10%Pengurangan)
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Dapat digunakan untuk pembelian di atas 301 JPY
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Konten Karya

"ImagineGirls" is a series of 3D models that can be used for your creation.
Distributed by ImagineVR, Inc.

This 3D model is created based on one of the ImagineGirls "Vienne",
with modifications from the original model and new features added.

This 3D model can be used for your creation, including commercial uses.
For more details, please refer to "ImagineGirls User Licence" included in this product.

Originally created additional assets:
- Lingerie
- Slingshot Swimwear
- Naked
- Extra Hairstyle (short)

File Format: .BLEND for Blender / PMX for MMD (bonus)
Blender version can easily be exported to game engines (e.g. Unity).
For more details, please refer to the quick manual:

Informasi Karya

VR Character Factory
{{ is_favorite ? $t('follow.follow_button.is_favorite') : $t('follow.follow_button.into_favorite') }}
Nama seri
Karya 3D
Tanggal rilis
Batas usia
Format Karya
Peralatan / Aksesori  / 3Dモデル
Format file
Format Lainnya / Blend/PMX
Eksklusif PC
Bahasa yang didukung
Bahasa Jepang
Ukuran file

yang kompatibel

Unduh Penampilan browser
OS yang kompatibel
Windows 7 / 8 / 8.1 / 10
Mac MacOSX
iOS -
Android -
Lainnya -
Karya ini kompatibel dengan VR.

Ulasan User

Karya dalam serial yang sama

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    ImagineGirls "R1N4" Version 2
    1,540  JPY
    / 140pt(10%)
    A 3D model that can be used for your creation. Additional costumes included. Blender format + Bonus PMX format included.
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  • ImagineGirls "Iris" Version 2 [VR Character Factory]
    Peralatan / Aksesori
    ImagineGirls "Iris" Version 2
    1,540  JPY
    / 140pt(10%)
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