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ยินดีต้อนรับสู่ DLsite
ค้นหาผลงาน (โดจิน R18)
ไกด์ ・ช่วยเหลือ

Michikusaya - Suzushiro: Veranda - Nibbling [English & Chinese Ver.]

Momoiro Code

あと{{ rentaled.limit }}{{ rentaled.period }}まで

{{$t('product.title_works.limit_sales')}} {{ product.discount_rate == 100 ? $t('product.title_works.only_now_free') : product.discount_rate + '%OFF' }}

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{{ product.voice_pack.parent_official_price | number_format }} {{ product.voice_pack.parent_price | number_format }}
{{ product.voice_pack.child_official_price | number_format }} {{ product.voice_pack.child_price | number_format }}
{{ product.voice_pack.sum_point | number_format }}pt
{{ real_point | number_format }} pt ({{ $t('product.price.point_return', [real_point_rate]) }}) pt ({{ $t('product.price.noreduction') }})
80pt (10รับคะแนนคืน (数字) %)
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Momoiro Code
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วันที่ 24 เดือน 01 ปี 2020
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A chorus of tree frogs, the sound the whistle of toad lilies at night, and those of insects drawing water from the wet fields.
A subtitled audio work of Michikusaya surrounded by the exciting countryside sounds of summer.
Enjoy the simple clamor of the countryside, and let it guide you to a wonderful sleep.

A binaural audio product. Headphones or earphones recommended.

*Two days worth of scenario!
We recorded two days of events with no reused audio.
On the first day, you are guided to your room for ear cleaning, and side-by-side sleeping.
On day two, you receive some acupuncture as you lay in a girl's lap on the veranda.

* The sounds of the countryside
Enjoy the country air, far away from the distracting sounds of the city.
Feel a bit of nostalgia as you get wrapped up in this slow, relaxing tempo.

* Specialized for sleep
We've prepared only the comforting sounds of nature, and the soft sounds of ear cleaning to give you a deep sense of relaxation.
Don't worry about being disrupted by any sudden loud voices or sounds (Specifically in part 1).

* Exceptionally soft ear cleaning and nibbling
The soft sounds in both ears are gentle enough to listen to for hours without issue (Specifically in part 1).

* Subtle sense of distance
The Michikusaya specialists are especially considerate of their distance from the customer.
Day 2 is a little more informal.

Bonus 4-panel comic included (Japanese)

Momoiro Code
CV: Yomogi Mochi
All other credits: Momotori

Localization: DLsite

Audio: Japanese / Subtitles: English & Chinese

This product contains overlapping content with the following title:
"Mimikaki Relaxation Shop Michikusaya - Suzushiro [Soft Biting] (RE136046)"



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    /真宮ひいろ, 藤堂れんげ, 雁庵うずめ
    880  JPY
    / 80pt(10%)
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  • 【焦らし系家具ごっこ】道草屋-はこべら8-備え付けのアメニティ【ひぐらし耳かき】 [Momoiro Code]
    880  JPY
    / 80pt(10%)
    『お部屋のものは、どうぞご自由に』 8月、蝉時雨の田舎宿。四畳半の離れを借りると、部屋には色々なアメニティが置いてありました。 ひとがたの便利なアメニティを使って、麦茶を飲んだり歯を磨いたり、座椅子としてくつろいだり。 夕方には、お昼寝用に寂しいひぐらしの声を聴きながらの耳かき。 じっとり焦らす大人向け4本と、睡眠用1本入の立体音声です。
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  • 【水中耳かき】道草屋-いのこ4-湯船の中の耳掃除【柔らかシャンプー】 [Momoiro Code]
    /箱河ノア, 雁庵うずめ, 藤堂れんげ, 三月
    880  JPY
    / 80pt(10%)
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    วันที่ขาย : 08/07/2023
  • 【イヤーキャンドル】道草屋-なつな3-たぬさんこんにちは【ずぶ濡れシャンプー】 [Momoiro Code]
    /丹羽うさぎ, 藤堂れんげ
    880  JPY
    / 80pt(10%)
    沸騰する鉄瓶、時計、調子の悪いファンヒーター、テレビ。 雪の降る年末、村の子と二人でお宿にお泊まりです。 耳にじゃぶじゃぶかかるシャンプーと、酒の勢いの大人の時間、 お休み前は耳にイヤーキャンドルを挿して、炎の音を直接楽しむ、 バイノーラル3本入りです。
    วันที่ขาย : 21/01/2023
  • Michikusaya - Suzushiro 8:  Modern-Day Servant [Momoiro Code]
    Michikusaya - Suzushiro 8: Modern-Day Servant
    /三月, 雁庵うずめ
    880  JPY
    / 80pt(10%)
    It's late summer, and the assistant is pretending to be your servant on the veranda as the sun sets. This evening, ghost stories and an adult massage await.
    วันที่ขาย : 13/11/2022
  • 【ほろ酔い歯磨き】道草屋 芹8-おばあちゃんの縁側【立体ごはん】 [Momoiro Code]
    【ほろ酔い歯磨き】道草屋 芹8-おばあちゃんの縁側【立体ごはん】
    /雁庵うずめ, 三月
    880  JPY
    / 80pt(10%)
    まだ少し時期、テレビを見ながら居間で二人でごはんを食べます。 そこそこ酔ってる悪戯に、しゃかしゃか歯磨き、お休み落語。 蝉しぐれの縁側で、優しいお婆ちゃんと明るい孫のゆっくり耳かき。 3月と7月位の、お休み立体音響です。
    วันที่ขาย : 29/04/2022
  • Michikusaya - Natsuna 2: The Tanuki From The Next Room Over [Momoiro Code]
    Michikusaya - Natsuna 2: The Tanuki From The Next Room Over
    /丹羽うさぎ, 琴香
    880  JPY
    / 80pt(10%)
    The sounds of an oil stove, an iron kettle, a slightly aged clock at a winter inn. You once again receive an ear cleaning from a neighborhood girl, though things take a teasy turn with some play biting and beyond...
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  • Michikusaya - Suzuna: Barber Suzuna - Carbonated Spa [Momoiro Code]
    Michikusaya - Suzuna: Barber Suzuna - Carbonated Spa
    /藤堂れんげ, 雁庵うずめ, 箱河ノア
    880  JPY
    / 80pt(10%)
    On a cool early summer afternoon, receive a haircut to the chirping of cicadas. Relax to the sounds of wind chimes, sheering scissors, a carbonated shampoo, massage, treatment, and an ear cleaning to finish.
    วันที่ขาย : 16/08/2021
  • Michikusaya - Natsuna: A Tanuki on the Country Bus [Momoiro Code]
    Michikusaya - Natsuna: A Tanuki on the Country Bus
    /丹羽うさぎ, 真宮ひいろ
    880  JPY
    / 80pt(10%)
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  • Michikusaya - Hakobera 6: Lord Yama of the Bath [Momoiro Code]
    Michikusaya - Hakobera 6: Lord Yama of the Bath
    /琴香, 雁庵うずめ, 藤堂れんげ, 箱河ノア
    880  JPY
    / 80pt(10%)
    The dead of winter in the countryside. Along with two assistants, you retreat to the heat of the kotatsu amongst the sounds of the heater and the rickety radio cassette. At night, a hot spring for two, and teasing of the verbal and physical variety.
    วันที่ขาย : 11/01/2021
  • Michikusaya - Ine 4: A Lazy Summer Day [Momoiro Code]
    Michikusaya - Ine 4: A Lazy Summer Day
    /真宮ひいろ, 雁庵うずめ, 箱河ノア, 琴香
    880  JPY
    / 80pt(10%)
    Spend a lazy summer day on the veranda with friends eating watermelon, drinking tea, and telling scary stories...
    วันที่ขาย : 06/09/2020
  • Michikusaya - Suzushiro: Sun After Rain and Blindfolded Massage [English & Chinese Ver.] [Momoiro Code]
    Michikusaya - Suzushiro: Sun After Rain and Blindfolded Massage [English & Chinese Ver.]
    880  JPY
    / 80pt(10%)
    The rainy season has passed, and summer is here. There's a firework festival tonight. Enjoy fresh coffee and classic jazz at a pretend-cafe, then at night, an attendant will massage you and clean your ears while fireworks ring in the distance.
    การแปลอย่างเป็นทางการจาก DLsiteการแปลที่แนะนำ
    วันที่ขาย : 27/06/2020
  • Michikusaya - Suzushiro: Nail Clipping and Waiting Out the Rain [English & Chinese Ver.] [Momoiro Code]
    Michikusaya - Suzushiro: Nail Clipping and Waiting Out the Rain [English & Chinese Ver.]
    770  JPY
    / 70pt(10%)
    As you pass the time while waiting for the bus, a bored-looking worker comes by to have a casual chat with you.She clips your nails, cleans your ears,and tests out some of her personal ear-hair shaving and ear-massage tools.
    R-15 การแปลอย่างเป็นทางการจาก DLsiteการแปลที่แนะนำ
    วันที่ขาย : 26/06/2020
  • Michikusaya - Suzushiro: Hot Yoga in the Bathroom! [English & Chinese Ver.] [Momoiro Code]
    Michikusaya - Suzushiro: Hot Yoga in the Bathroom! [English & Chinese Ver.]
    880  JPY
    / 80pt(10%)
    Try out a yoga diet in a warm bath along with the inn staff! You won't feel the effects unless you stay still, so you may have to suffer through the assistants' teasing.
    การแปลอย่างเป็นทางการจาก DLsiteการแปลที่แนะนำ
    วันที่ขาย : 26/06/2020
  • Michikusaya - Suzushiro: Rainy Day Ear Cleaning & Massage [English & Chinese Ver.] [Momoiro Code]
    Michikusaya - Suzushiro: Rainy Day Ear Cleaning & Massage [English & Chinese Ver.]
    880  JPY
    / 80pt(10%)
    Gaze at the pitter-patter of rain as you take a nap on the porch, and receive a slippery massage in the clear night. Listen to the sounds of a quiet and peaceful countryside in this adult-oriented audio work with subtitles.
    การแปลอย่างเป็นทางการจาก DLsiteการแปลที่แนะนำ
    วันที่ขาย : 25/06/2020
  • Michikusaya - Suzuna: Haircut Head Spa, Fireworks & Ear Cleaning [English & Chinese Ver.] [Momoiro Code]
    Michikusaya - Suzuna: Haircut Head Spa, Fireworks & Ear Cleaning [English & Chinese Ver.]
    880  JPY
    / 80pt(10%)
    On one particularly hot summer day. The roaring cry of cicadas, a haircut and a carbonated head spa. In this subtitled audio work, you spend a relaxing rural summer vacation with three different girls.
    R-15 การแปลอย่างเป็นทางการจาก DLsiteการแปลที่แนะนำ
    วันที่ขาย : 17/06/2020



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