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「Wings of Roldea [English Ver.]」 へのレビュー

オススメ! The more you play, the more you find to like.

2022年09月12日   Throbby さん

このレビューは参考になった x 0人

This game is huge, well-made, and genuinely interesting. There are a ridiculous number of plots and side-quests and branching paths, and the maker did an incredible job (mostly) keeping you from breaking the game or closing off plot avenues unwittingly.

So, the game: Good mechanics. You have health, mana, and energy, all of which need to be managed. No energy means no attacking, no mana means no spells, no health means slow movement.

You mostly travel by yourself, but occasionally have a companion; there's a cool mechanic where your buddy doesn't fight independently, but rather boosts your stats in specific ways and gives access to certain abilities. The choices you make and people you meet determine which paths are available to you, and which "endings" you can reach - more on that later!

Good stufF: Tons of enemies, a fun gallery system (the in-game arena), decent translation, adequate-or-better story, and lots to do. The game is complex enough that you really need to explore, but not so byzantine that you *need* a walkthrough. Just wandering around, paying attention to what people say, and exploring will find you most of the goodies. You can also play pure or not, as you like; there's a fun curse that you can only break by being slutty, but you can power through and stay virginal if you want.

H-stuff is really, really good; the more "experience" you get, the more you're affected by those types of attacks. Great animations, too!

Problems: The magic hitbox is often terrible. The animation will appear in one place, but actually hit farther away than is indicated; this means a lot of trial-and-error work when you get new spells. Also, there are a number of "endings" that aren't actually ENDS, which confused the hell out of me the first time through. The only mutually-exclusive endings I can recall are the main quest ones; other ones let you keep playing - but some of those aren't "persistent," making changes in the game world, which is a bummer. Also, it's possible to lock yourself out of one of the endings early on (which I did); there ARE a few things that you may want a walkthrough for.

And quibbles: Time passes too quickly between bouts in the arena, and double-penetration anal/mouth attacks aren't counted properly for experience or stats.

All in all, this is an amazing game. I keep going back to it, both to play and to "play."

* は必須項目です)
