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オススメ! Excellent game--I'd play it even without the H-stuff.

2022年09月22日   Throbby さん

このレビューは参考になった x 1人

There's so much to like here. Solid story, characters with some depth, a good combat system, and choices that actually matter.

Sengoku Slave is a vengeance story; a princess is enslaved as her lands are invaded, and you have to re-gather your companions and free your people.

Simple set-up, but better than it sounds. For an H-RPG, the game does a great job of showing the consequences of your actions and making the NPCs feel real. Every time I started to wince, the game surprised me; Yotaro is a great example. At first glance, he looks like a borderline-racist caricature; he wound up being one of my favorite PCs, with a good story and some fantastic lines: "I am sad as a hole in the butt that I will not be able to see you." Awesome!

The story is solid; while it gets predictable toward the end, most of the game keeps things morally ambiguous enough to keep you guessing. Moreover, the choices matter; dialogue and events can change based on what you do - and it's neat to see how the after-game reflects that. I was a little disappointed in the ending, but only because I was hoping for something fresher from this stellar game.

There are some bugs - if an NPC moves when you speak to them, do NOT talk to them again; if they try to move into a blocked square, the game soft-locks. And don't flee from spider-ambushes! Translation is mostly good, with a few pronoun mis-cues or slightly off wording; the meaning is always clear. Unfortunately, there are some untranslated things - mostly "examine" text.

Gameplay is good; the abilities ramp up at a good rate, and you can examine a lot of things, which I appreciate. A low point is the lack of danger; fights aren't easy, but there are healing spots everywhere, and it rarely feels like you're in danger. But it's not grindy, and I didn't get bored. Also, bonus points for changing dialogue for NPCs as the game progresses.

H-stuff: Animation is a little amateurish, but the art is decent, and the writing is very good. Music is awesome. Voice-acting isn't great; it sounds so familiar that I'm pretty sure it's the same stock squeaks and moans that have been in various low-budget games since 2012.

Last thing: I *really* like how you're not forced into slutty or pure routes. After the first act, you have total control over your characters' actions, and it's all well-written enough to sound plausible.

It's a winner. P.S. Prostitute Migoro. Hilarious.

* は必須項目です)
