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「Housesitting With Little Sister」 へのレビュー -> Recensione per "Housesitting With Little Sister"

Great art, fun, but expected a bit more

11/07/2023   azulu

このレビューは参考になった x 1人

Parole chiave selezionate dal revisore:

First, let me say the art style is 100% up my alley. I found it all very well made and animated.
However, from the screenshots/description, I expected more content to the game than is present. In particular, I found it unexpected that you're routed into a single ending.

I'd still recommend this game, but just a fair warning for anyone considering it, that it's lacking a bit in content.
I'd be more than happy to pay some more for this exact game, expanded with additional scenes.

* è un campo obbligatorio)
