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「Naughty Mouth on a Crowded Train」 へのレビュー -> Recensione per "Naughty Mouth on a Crowded Train"

オススメ! Huge boobs with sensitive nipples

08/05/2024   Oppaisama

このレビューは参考になった x 0人

I've been following his work for a while and I really like how in his works have different scenearios with huge boobs. In this work it's about a lady that she forgot to put on a bra and has to ride the train, the train is so crowded that she ended bumping a young man with her boobs. I really like the scenes from page 16-20, she love it so much that she had to take them to the bathroom. Also page 35 & 38 are really hot, specially 38 when everyone is having fun with her. I wish page 36 her boobs where more spread to sides, so we can see how big they are. Still it is a very erotic scene, you are able to see the whole body. Thank you for translating this work.

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