{{ login_id.substr(0, 30) }}{{ login_id.length > 30 ? '...' : '' }} さん
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「箱の中身当てゲーム」 へのレビュー
2024年05月09日 Manser さん
このレビューは参考になった x 0人
レビュアーが選んだジャンル :
This product in English is translated well (by Solid Rose). There are no misunderstandings or confusing translation to English. Manbo always makes very good doujins that are handjob focused - if you like handjobs you should enjoy this product. I personally think this is a good one. Storywise, I believe it to be enjoyable, but a little bit short. But the three characters involved are distinct.
(* は必須項目です)