妖魔肆意橫行於人間,人類的存亡交由忍者們守護! 然而,男人們卻覬覦她們色情的肉體,正策劃各種行動征服她們... Demons are rampant in the world, and the survival of mankind is guarded by ninjas! However, men covet their erotic bodies and are planning various actions to conquer them...
妖魔肆意橫行於人間,人類的存亡交由忍者們守護! 然而,男人們卻覬覦她們色情的肉體,正策劃各種行動征服她們... Demons are rampant in the world, and the survival of mankind is guarded by ninjas! However, men covet their erotic bodies and are planning various actions to conquer them...
隨着出生率不斷下降,政府決定為新生孩子資助大量獎金。一個尋常的家庭因為這項政策,而靜悄悄地發生改變......With birth rates falling, the government decided to subsidize large bonuses. An ordinary family has quietly changed because of this policy...