
119件中 101~110件目
/ 90pt (10%還元)
女主人公 ファンタジー レズ/女同士 触手 異種えっち フタナリ
  • 販売日: 2020年10月28日
  • 販売数: 1,487
  • (210)
  • レビュアーオススメ!


I love this game. It's got a great sense of humor, the writing and translation are very good, and it's a nice length--without feeling grindy.

A party of female adventurers, out trying to make a name for themselves, laboring on the cusp of... mediocrity? Yeah, the heroines aren't all that successful, but they're plucky and likeable and are slowly edging their way up out of the "novice adventurer" category. Following a crushing defeat, they decide it's time to up their game, and they head to the Adventurers' Town of "Gemini Fort." There, they figure, they can get some better gear and hopefully jumpstart their meteoric rise to fame.

They get to town, they go shopping, they... black out and wake up with amnesia and a variety of weird, perverted curses. Over the course of a madcap day, they have to solve a number of mysteries--not least, what the heck HAPPENED last night!

The good: Almost everything. Translation is excellent, art is good, sexy-time scenes are varied but don't venture too far into, ah, more-specialized territory. If you're looking for a game set in a world where people shrug off casual minor sexual assault, this is the one for you. The heroines keep getting molested and raped by just about everything, but hey, that's par for the course. As one of their side conversations notes, at least some female adventurers must kinda like tentacle monsters, since they keep taking eradication quests that put them in moral peril!

The bad: Not a whole lot! There are four or five annoying lines that somehow escape the text box, so you can't read the last few words in 'em. The second act gets pretty over-the-top, but if you enjoyed the first half, you'll probably like the last part too. And there are a couple of places where the translation does not *quite* work well; normal stuff, like "pants" instead of "panties" or the disturbingly ubiquitous "meat pole/stick" or "meaty" pussy. Remind me to never get oral sex from a native Japanese speaker... ;P

Anyway, it was well worth the money; I laughed a bunch, got engaged with the story, and did indeed engage in some satisfying fappery. Pick this one up!

1人 が役に立ったと答えています
2024年10月11日 13時59分 割引終了
Become tentacle, destroy the town and humiliate girls! (Language: English)
50%OFF / 60pt (10%還元)
Assume the role of a tentacle monster and attack the town! Subdue the fleeing townspeople and the fighters who try to slay you, and thoroughly assault the women!


つるぺた 人妻 エルフ/妖精 ファンタジー 屈辱 触手
  • 販売日: 2008年08月14日
  • 販売数: 2,376
  • (442)


I kinda wish I had, but just 'cause of the high price-point. If you can get it on sale, and you like games where "Tentacles! Don't! Stop!" turns into "Tentacles! Don't stop!" you'll have a good ol' fap-fest.

The good: The game is actually a game. You have to figure out how to win fights, search for the women, and survive long enough to grab all eight rapees. The voice-acting isn't too shabby, and the H-scenes, while all unanimated stills, are at least well-drawn.

The bad: Unforgiving cheating stupid mrhthaktlhakt... Which is to say, the enemies all respawn. And since the only way to win is to just clip the edges of the town guards, when you pop out a door and are literally directly on top of one of them, you get the tentacle-mucus beaten out of you pretty quickly. Also, if you are more into tentacle rape than tentacle eventually-consensual-sex, this one doesn't quite hit all the buttons. There *are* a couple of fairly dark undertones in a couple of the scenes, but by and large, the ladies in this world love the tentacles.

Also, there is one girl who seems very young. It's not really my thing. If you do not like loli content beware.

Anyway. To sum up: It probably wasn't worth full price back in 2008, and it sure ain't worth it today. If you can get it for half-price or less, though, and you like what I'm describing, you'll be plenty happy.

Innocent Unjust
Chrome Cloak Games
/ 80pt (10%還元)
ファンタジー 合意なし
  • 販売日: 2014年04月02日
  • 販売数: 429
  • (3)
  • (201)

This is a fun enough diversion; if you're into pixel-art H-games, you'll enjoy this one. The premise is simple enough: Go forth, young succubus, and hump enemies into oblivion! Whack baddies until they get stunned, then sexify them, suck their souls, and spend said essences to get weapon upgrades, health potions, etc.

The game is... not super-easy, but it could be a little harder. By the end, you're rolling in excess cash, and are basically an unstoppable, boob-heavy death machine. Even so, you still have to be mindful of your health, if only to use a potion when you need to.

Not much else to say about it, really. There are plenty of different enemy types, the sprites are a little extra-pixelly but fairly well animated, and it's got a gallery. I'd rate it solidly three stars, but the price is nice, so I'll give it four. I mean, it's cheaper than a movie, and keeps you entertained at least as long!


2024年10月11日 13時59分 割引終了
50%OFF / 65pt (10%還元)


つるぺた 屈辱 超ひどい 合意なし 貧乳/微乳 腹パン 責め苦 リョナ
  • 販売日: 2020年10月17日
  • 販売数: 8,400
  • (2,961)

It's not offensively, enragingly awful, but it's pretty short, costs way more than it should, and has an extremely limited suite of actions you can take. Most of the actions only have one or two options associated with them, and there aren't any variations. Pick the candle, and you drip wax on her body. Pick the fist, and you can punch her face or gut. Every time you do the particular action, the exact same thing happens.

And the end-of-game stuff is actually even less inspiring. Dildo or electricity? Which do you prefer? Alas, too bad, because no matter what you answer you'll be disappointed, 'cause all you get is a repeating series of a couple of short animations, which lasts until you finally close the game and go do something better. I like restraint and peril and electricity and punching, and this was pretty feeble on all counts. Not quite zero-star material, but I can give it an honest 1/5.

4人 が役に立ったと答えています
触尾少女 【English version】
/ 120pt (10%還元)
Our heroine, Yuki, is living with her only brother in a small village. With Yuki 's hunting skill, the two have a smooth life. However, one day, she is suddenly attacked by a monster and parasitized.
断面図 少女 売春/援交 ファンタジー 屈辱 複数プレイ/乱交 触手 悪堕ち
  • 販売日: 2021年05月26日
  • 販売数: 1,938
  • (6)
  • (234)
  • レビュアーオススメ!


Man, I really couldn't quite decide if I wanted to click that li'l ol' "Recommend this work" box or not at first. I mean, the H-content is pretty great. The scenes are very scripted--basically, your input comes before the scene begins, when you choose whether or not to work at Molesty's Tavern or whatever--but there are a fair number of variations, depending on corruption level, what stage of the game you're in, etc. And there are plenty of different things to choose from: restrained girl put on display, girl gets molested while manning the cash-register, girl sucks a guy off for a discount... And there's enough variety that you can play through the game in a number of different ways--give in to the corruption, grudgingly do what you have to in order to try and win, or try to avoid the sexings as much as possible--and every one of those different modes of play has something to recommend it.

There honestly isn't much I didn't like about the game. Combat is weird and mostly unnecessary. There are some hinky translations, but nothing so bad it ruins the moment or makes you laugh when you'd rather be fapping. The butt-parasite angle is.... kinda weird, to me, but it didn't keep me from enjoying the game.

All in all, you can spend a good few evenings playing through in a variety of ways, and you are just about guaranteed to find something in here that you'll like.

And thank all the Gods of Hentai, there's no scat. In fact, the butt-parasite makes scat impossible--it somehow magically absorbs... stuff... or something.

Anyway. Excellent art, not-bad story, and pretty good variety of ways to play. Pick it up!


1人 が役に立ったと答えています
2024年10月11日 13時59分 割引終了
50%OFF / 40pt (10%還元)
A top-down action and animation RPG. Arche is steps foot inside a once sealed shrine. Diabolical ero traps, and horny monsters await her.


女主人公 触手 モブおじさん 異種えっち ボクっ娘
  • 販売日: 2020年08月26日
  • 販売数: 705
  • (2)
  • (83)


This is a nice little diversion; a couple of playthroughs will only take you an hour or two, but it's a fair bit of game for the price.

Arche and the Demonic Sword's Shrine is made with RPG Maker, and it uses that system well. There are no cutaways to combat; everything happens in real time in the overhead view. No inventory to manage, no items to use, just a young heroine rampaging against enemies in a quest to get a magic sword that she thinks can save the world.

Enemies are tough, especially if you don't start with the easiest area, and you need to figure out the best strategy to fight each one. Combat is ultimately pretty forgiving, since running out of health just starts a brief H-scene, after which you are healed and returned to the map. Losing to enemies fills a lust gauge, which changes how the H-scenes are written (although the animations stay the same); this mechanic means that even if you get monkey-stomped by enemies while you're trying to figure out how to play, you're not unduly penalized. The varied enemies are nice, and the backgrounds and puzzles are actually pretty well done.

The biggest drawback to gameplay is that even though the game is initially fairly difficult, you can level up and gain extra life quickly enough that much of the game winds up being under-challenging. There are three initial areas you can get into, marked as one-, two-, and three-star difficulty; starting off in the two-star area is wickedly hard, but if you tackle them in order, it will be way, way too easy. If you want a challenge, don't pick up the extra life chests; that helps balance the game nicely.

The story is spare, but it's actually pretty well-told, and the translation is excellent. Even though plot development only happens in brief moments between stages, it's handled well enough that you do actually get a decent story, and everything makes narrative sense.

To sum up:
Pros include good, responsive gameplay; a well-translated story that is actually interesting; a nice variety of H-scenes with a comprehensive gallery. Some replayability, although you're not going to spend days on end trying to get all the goodies.

Cons include a quick ramp-up to being overpowered (the final boss fight was sadly underwhelming!); you'll see everything it's got to offer in an hour or two; animations are good but not stellar.

Overall, a lot of fun, and worth the price.

1人 が役に立ったと答えています
2024年10月11日 13時59分 割引終了
大人しいJKを拉致 貧乳○問
50%OFF / 35pt (10%還元)


ムチ/縄/蝋燭 学生 貧乳/微乳 腹パン 責め苦 リョナ
  • 販売日: 2019年09月27日
  • 販売数: 791
  • (3)
  • (283)
  • レビュアーオススメ!


This is pretty good. Some excellent ryona--no blood or disfigurement--and the girl seems to be into things. Lots of nipple tying, manhandling, and gut-punching, with whip-marks and bruises aplenty. More pictures would be very welcome, or at least including a better, integrated way to view them without having to scroll through PDF files or open all the individual picture folders one after another.

The only real carp I have about this is that it seems to end abruptly; the last picture looks like it's setting up for something good, and then leaves you teased.

All things considered, it's probably a little pricey for what you get, but if you pick it up when it's on discount, you should be pleased.

2024年10月11日 13時59分 割引終了
エンジェル・ファイターズ Angel fighters敗北女戦士の末路 壮絶女体○問
50%OFF / 35pt (10%還元)
壮絶な○問を加える悪魔のような敵たち。 凛とした女戦士たちが 泣きながら悶え苦しむ様をご堪能ください。


首輪/鎖/拘束具 ムチ/縄/蝋燭 拘束 異種えっち 拡張 責め苦
  • 販売日: 2019年12月27日
  • 販売数: 123
  • (1)
  • (53)


I bought this based on the preview pictures, and I wasn't disappointed. It wound up being nothing particularly fantastic, but the art is decent, if somewhat crude, and there are a number of short scenarios that play out over a few pages, with something for most anyone. Well, anyone who'd be interested in something like this, anyway. :P

I'm not personally into guro or scat; there's definitely some of each in here, and that doesn't quite do it for me. Also, while there are five heroines, only three (or four; two are pretty similar in look and it's sometimes hard to tell them apart) get the lion's share of illustrations.

Probably worth a couple bucks, if you like the art style.

2024年10月11日 13時59分 割引終了
30%OFF / 105pt (10%還元)
しつけ 合意なし 腹パン 責め苦 リョナ
  • 販売日: 2015年01月17日
  • 販売数: 2,763
  • (9)
  • (1,000)


Basically, this game already has all the cheat codes activated, and all that needs be done is pummel the ladies into submission.

I like a bit more challenge, most of the time, but this game is less about "game" and more about "fapping furiously while slapping at your keyboard with a free hand." And it definitely achieves excellence in that arena...

...except for it's not quite to my taste. I figured there'd be some fatalities in there, but was looking for something with a little more ryona, a little more gut-punching and rapeyness, and a little less poop and blood and dismemberment. If you like guro, go for it; if you like ryona, it's probably not for you.


KooooN Soft
/ 190pt (10%還元)
A new erotic side-scrolling Flash action game from the hit makers of SHINOBI GIRL. ver2.34(Released the English version)
オナニー 合意なし 触手 畜えち 異種えっち 巨乳/爆乳
  • 販売日: 2014年01月25日
  • 販売数: 3,246
  • (525)
  • レビュアーオススメ!


It's a simple formula, but one that's been a winner for Koooonsoft: take a girl who levitates or flies, and make her run a gantlet of enemies who want to catch and have their way with her. Basically, they took the old flash Demongirl game and made it pretty. :)

If you've already played some of the other titles (Shinobi Girl, Angel Girl, etc.), you know how the game plays. What sets this one apart from earlier titles is the improved gallery section and variety of enemies. Controls are responsive, harder difficulties are definitely tougher, and the graphics are pretty good.

This style of game tends to all play and look relatively alike, regardless of heroine or maker. If you're gonna play one, though, you could definitely do a lot worse than picking up Witch Girl.

Ah! And Koooonsoft is pretty good about updating their stuff, so bugs are fixed, gameplay is tweaked, and features are added for a fair while after they release a title. Customer service for the win!

