
119件中 21~30件目
2024年10月11日 13時59分 割引終了
50%OFF / 40pt (10%還元)
マニアック/変態 先輩/後輩 言葉責め 羞恥/恥辱 焦らし 男性受け 乳首責め 童貞
  • 販売日: 2021年04月30日
  • 販売数: 6,098
  • (1,923)
  • レビュアーオススメ!


First things first: I'll be honest, and admit that my Japanese isn't good enough to figure *everything* out, but if you've got better-than-beginner vocabulary, you should catch most of the story.

I loved the first installment, and I love this one, too. Ordinarily, I'm not hugely into fem-dom stuff, but this... really kind of isn't. She's the dominant partner, for sure, but they're both just so JOYFUL. She teases him, and torments him, but she's so damn cute and excited, and he enjoys it so much, that it's hard not to like Kohai 2. Plus, it's kind of a huzzah moment when Sempai gets a chance to finally stick it in. :D

The art is great, the characters are well-drawn, and the action is hot. I will admit, poor Sempai gets short shrift in the face department, but honestly, Kohai is supposed to be the star of the show. And that, she is indeed.

Save Your Mother
Tuomo's Games
/ 40pt (10%還元)
萌え 女性視点 少女 人外娘/モンスター娘 ファンタジー 魔法
  • 販売日: 2018年09月21日
  • 販売数: 8
  • (2)

I enjoyed "Save Your Mother" quite a bit, but can't quite give it a recommendation.

The story is well developed and very good, especially during the opening sequence, but several elements don't quite gel as it unfolds during the game. Your nemesis has a bit of story development, but it would have been nice to see more interaction, for instance. The writing is good, though, with some excellent set pieces, a good sense of humor, and some pathos to boot.

There are some puzzles thrown in to mix up the gameplay, but they're under-developed. I *will* say there's a boss fight that is basically a speed-quiz, which doesn't make *sense*, but is a good mechanic for representing "Hey, here's a competition this all-powerful opponent has set up to give you a chance, and this is how I could make you work for it!" I actually appreciated that! Otherwise, though, the puzzles are grade-school level--fun, but not really hard.

Combat is good, with a turn-timer determined by the action you're taken, and there are plenty of spells and abilities to choose from. On that note, though, I'd point out that I spent way too long trying to figure out where a spellbook I'd been given wound up, before realizing it was a piece of equipment; it doesn't show up anywhere on the items list, and you can only see it when you're actually changing equipment.

Little errors like that and missed opportunities are what drops this game to three stars from four, for me. The economics are totally broken, with store prices astronomically high--until you get to a certain point, where you can literally just trade a little time for however much money you want. Cooking fish and items into soups that give buffs and debuffs is nice, with one item only obtainable by messing up... but you can't really do it on purpose (it seems random), and there's no other reason to mess with the mechanic. The spells you can get from interacting with various altars all seem alarmingly dark and grim, but there's no ill effect or story change from getting or using them. Worst is a conversation bug that can torpedo your no-saves-allowed New Game+; if you talk with the angel and let her describe all the Exalted Eight, she goes to give you a present and the game crashes. Just so's you know!

All told, I'm not sorry I bought it. I really enjoyed the music and the art, I was never bored, and I want to encourage the maker so they keep building their skills. Check it out!


シニシスタ SiNiSistar
/ 110pt (10%還元)
ドット シスター 丸呑み 屈辱 巨乳/爆乳 リョナ
  • 販売日: 2019年08月31日
  • 販売数: 75,786
  • (21,780)
  • レビュアーオススメ!


I really like this one; it's got a great eerie feel to it, and it's fairly challenging without being frustrating or feeling unfair. I'm going to keep it short and focus just on the best and worst aspects.

We'll start with the things that aren't great, 'cause there ain't that many of 'em. It's occasionally less-than-clear what you need to do; fortunately, as a side-scroller, you'll figure it out pretty soon if you just walk in the other direction. :P Volume sliders are off; sound effects, music, and the voice are all almost inaudible until you take them close to their maximum values. And there are a few times where you've gotta remember that Rabiane doesn't jump quite as far as you think she will, so you gotta get closer to the edge and hold the button down longer.

Good stuff: Atmosphere, for sure; the visuals and music are excellent. Voice-acting is pretty solid, too, and this is one of those games that hits the ryona/guro/hentai sweet spot, where there's not so much gore to turn most people off, but enough to attract fans of the genre. It gives the voice-actress a range of situations to play with, and she does a good job. The game is, as I said, challenging, and it would take a *lot* of practice to be able to run through the whole thing without dying--but I think it would be possible! Gallery is adequate, but it would be nice if you could replay certain sequences, like your second-chance prison break scenes.

All told, I really liked this one, and a second play-through a year or so later was still a good time, although it didn't take me very long to cruise through it, even after such a long break. One way or another, if you think the art looks attractive, you won't be let down by the gameplay, and it's a solid value for the price.

2024年10月11日 13時59分 割引終了
50%OFF / 65pt (10%還元)


アニメ 閉じ込め 超ひどい 命令/無理矢理 合意なし 巨根 血液/流血 リョナ
  • 販売日: 2022年04月02日
  • 販売数: 945
  • (4)
  • (299)

Seriously. I keep thinking, "Oh, well, yeah, there's some guro in here, but maybe there will be other content, too! And hey, the art looks pretty good, right? Go ahead, give it a try! Use points, so it's like it's free!"

Sweet bippity, but I need to stop listening to that voice!

The art is okay, as stills. When animated, there are all kinds of problems. Body parts don't quite stay together right, the rhythm is wrong, and the animation is not well-synced to the voices.

Voice-acting isn't all that great, either--which really tanks this title, since I think it was built around some fair-to-middling animation in hopes that you'd be satisfied listening to the groaning and pleading. It's... not really worth it. Sound quality is poor, volume levels are all over the place, and two of the characters sound far too young for my tastes.

Oh, and there's a couple rounds of tag you have to play to catch the girls, so I guess there's gameplay.

Horrible. I was gonna give it two stars, but by the time I finished this review, I'd thought about it a little more and am giving it one. *Sigh* There haven't been many times that I genuinely feel like my time and money was stolen by something I bought here, but this is one of them.


4人 が役に立ったと答えています
2024年10月11日 13時59分 割引終了
Treasure Hunter Mai
55%OFF / 85pt (10%還元)
A freestyle explorer RPG one year and 3 months in the making. Over 103 base CGs (half of which are animated). Recruit all characters!
人妻 幼なじみ 寝取られ 妊娠/孕ませ 出産 複数プレイ/乱交
  • 販売日: 2015年08月09日
  • 販売数: 3,018
  • (403)

So, it's been months since I played this, and I gotta say, if I hadn't taken notes, I wouldn't remember enough about it to write anything meaningful.

It's not that the game is HORRIBLE. I get a kick out of the heroine, and there's a ton of good writing. The problem is that this game has multiple personalities. On one hand, it's about a plucky treasure-hunter who has all kinds of adventures with interesting people, filled with funny and engaging dialogue. And then there's the sordid story of a pervy loan shark who uses debts to force women into sexual slavery, who teams up with a random isekai who gets telepathy. But then the story has you get crazy strong, letting you monkey-stomp all over the bad guys by the mid-game.

These three faces do not play well together. You effortlessly crush some bad guys, after which the heroine is like, "Pant, pant, gasp... so tough!" The game doesn't seem to realize--or care--when you're winning or losing; one bit of dialogue is written assuming that you've lost a fight, even though it's almost impossible not to win. And the debt storyline just doesn't work. No matter how much actual money you have, there's never an option to save your friends. Despite having something like 300k gold on hand, there was no option for me to stop a girl from whoring herself out for a gangbang in exchange for a grand total of $60k. Goddamn it, Mai, just give the poor girl some cash and kick the skeevy scumbags to the curb! By the end of the game, I was sitting on a mountain of gold that would have paid 2/3 of the debt easily, but the game still acted like I should jump at the chance to whore myself out for 10 grand. I wanted to grab the dude and be like, "Bitch, I have literally eighty times that much money jingling in my pockets right now."

Finally, there are a couple of minor issues that bugged me. First, you never have a choice regarding the heroine's feelings; she's gonna love Kenichi no matter what. Second, there were a few too many stupid --and not funny-stupid-- gay jokes. "Haha! We won't execute you, we'll just put you in gay prison!" Laaame. And finally, the art was a little inconsistent, with a couple times where nipples were grotesquely huge.

All in all, I really want to like this game more than I do. The writing really is good, and if it were consistent, I'd give this one four or five stars. Unfortunately, it's just kind of a mess. :/

Ghost Hunter Vena
/ 130pt (10%還元)
合意なし 触手 巨乳/爆乳
  • 販売日: 2018年04月20日
  • 販売数: 3,884
  • (1,355)
  • レビュアーオススメ!


This game is one of my favorites. It's difficult, has an excellent gallery with good animations, and is long enough to give you your money's worth.

The mechanics take a while to master (you have to stun enemies before you can hurt them, and do a third action to gather the XP), but they're pretty rewarding once you do. Enemies can easily surround you--rare in a 2-D side-scroller!--and are only vulnerable part of the time, requiring you to time your attacks carefully. Getting hit or grappled damages your clothing, then your stamina; get hurt enough, and the screen flashes yellow, then red, then you're KO-ed. The grapple mechanic is good, too; instead of a simple button-mash, you have a arrows that appear, one at a time, for a split second. Match them, and you shake off the attack, but miss or take too long, and the rape initiates. At that point, you need to shake off the attack by toggling left and right--but a nice element is that you heal during the attack; if you time it right, you can keep the enemy from finishing and avoid escape, letting you recover from a red- or yellow-flashing screen.

The worst part of the gameplay is the map, which is convoluted and sprawling, and there is a lot of backtracking and map-checking involved. Because enemies can be easily evaded, and elements of the map do change over time, it's not that tedious, but it can be confusing until you figure out how to navigate. 'Twould be better if there were some indicator of where you have and haven't been yet.

The gameplay is the main strength of GHV, but the enemy animations are a big draw, too. Most enemies have at least one H-attack, while many have two, and one even has a tag-team, and all of them are very well drawn and animated. Honestly, the gallery implementation and animations are excellent, and great for a quickie when you don't want to get sucked into playing the game. My only quibble is that Vosmug has moved toward gigantits, which is a bit of a bummer; some of the ladies are just over-endowed.

The only weakness, really, is the story. It's honestly borderline ridiculous, and the characters do some pretty outrageous things. Once you get into the back-story of the mansion, things get better, but there is a LOT of text to skip after the first playthrough. It definitely would have benefitted from some tightening up, and needs to focus a little more on either being funny or serious. Still, 100% worth getting!

異世界酒場のセクステット ~Vol.2 Adventurer's Days~
/ 120pt (10%還元)
3部作の第2弾!異世界に転移した普通の青年が魔法使いと女剣士と共にバトルに参加!? 生き残ることはできるのか!?そしてあの人物との再会も!?異世界酒場で巻き起こるハーレム劇第2章が開幕!
萌え シリーズもの 魔法使い/魔女 戦士 ラブコメ ファンタジー ハーレム 巨乳/爆乳
  • 販売日: 2021年02月19日
  • 販売数: 1,411
  • (2)
  • (414)

Fantasy Tavern Sextet - Volume 2 is still appealing, but it feels a bit like it's going through the motions. Whereas the first installment really worked for it (especially with making Daisy appealing), this one just kind of feels like a "Harem Game (tm)."

Part of it are some minor quibbles that add up. There are more typos in this part, things like "at" instead of "as" or words split between two lines; Dahlia wears her sword when she first starts out as a barmaid, then says she's going to put it on to make her feel more comfortable; and the almost-cartoony "I'ma kill you!" attitude that Dahlia puts on a little too often. One fight has Dahlia go charging in, and it's just not believable; another battle, with a molesty tree-monster, just ends super-abruptly with no transition. Also, the MC mentions the "customer service rule of 'letting things go'" in regard to some kind of sexual harassment, and it's really kind of gross.

That would be forgivable, but the pacing is really off, too. Everything feels rushed; in Volume 1, you spent weeks or months getting to know the girls, while here, it's a matter of days. And yet, while they're cramming "I know we just met but oh, how I love you!" down your throat, they're also being ridiculously coy about sex; the first game literally FORCES you to do it with Lupine and Daisy both, yet somehow, the MC remains scandalized that those women would *gasp!* want to GET HUGS! The audacity!

The final nail in the coffin, for me, is how the makers kinda shoehorned everything into the Harem Eroge Formula. The first game, I felt, strongly suggested that Veronica and Dahlia were lovers, and I thought that was a great set-up. "How are we going to get from Point A to Point B?" Well, by throwing all that in the trash. Everybody is a virgin, with super-traditional morals (right up until they join the harem), and they waste all the story and romance potential that would have come from a lesbian couple with a shy woman and an experienced Veronica.

In the end, the best way I can sum it up is this: The only reason to pursue the girls in this game is because they're girls in a harem game. If you want to play the game just to see MC bang everybody, this will be perfect for you. But I don't want that. I want something more like the first game, where I was given enough time and interaction with Daisy that when the choice came up, I was genuinely interested. Sadly, this one doesn't deliver.


2024年10月11日 13時59分 割引終了
Dream Buster Alice ver2.03
50%OFF / 25pt (10%還元)
itomagoi's retro action arcade-style pixel game is a top-down, 10-stage puzzle & r*pefest!


汁/液大量 ドット 男の娘 合意なし 回し
  • 販売日: 2016年03月01日
  • 販売数: 1,096
  • (7)
  • (189)

I can't quite give this five stars, but it comes pretty close. The game is a sink-or-swim, figure-it-out top-down game in the vein of Bomberman, etc. You play as Alice, a cross-dressing boy with fabulous hair, who is trapped in some kind of lewd-dream Wonderland. Enemies are generated from red mushrooms, and most take a specific kind of ammunition to defeat. The basic enemy is Evil You, who can be killed with any kind of shot, or converted into an ally by picking up a potion. Other baddies are knocked down when you hit them with the appropriate kind of attack, and are left helpless to be ravished by either you or your team of Converted Alices. Plundering the KO-ed baddies eventually fills a heart-shaped meter; when that happens, a rabbit hole opens up to let you into the next level.

Sounds pretty basic, but the game is actually fairly difficult. To change your shot-type, you have to pick up an item from the field; there are a limited number of each kind of ammo, so when you're out of one variety, that sucks for you! You either have to carefully manage your weapon until you defeat all the enemies, or knock down enough of them that your team of allies can fill the meter for you. And there's a timer, too; you have to get the meter filled, and then FIND the exit before you run out of time.

All in all, it's a fun game, and a good combination of quick thinking and careful planning is necessary to win. I'd give it a higher rating, but I'd want more levels, enemies, and a story for that. :P As it is, I enjoyed it quite a bit, although the sprites are juuust pixellated enough that I can't tell how many of them are male and how many are female. Either way, Alice, you go and nut 'em!

プリティ・プリドット本編後編 追加シーンその1
/ 60pt (10%還元)
汁/液大量 ぶっかけ 中出し フェラチオ 複数プレイ/乱交 回し ツインテール 巨乳/爆乳
  • 販売日: 2020年04月04日
  • 販売数: 7,353
  • (8)
  • (2,060)


First eleven seconds are great, even if the art style is still the more-cartoony newer one first seen in Part Three. After that, though, it's 1:26 of essentially the same thing repeating endlessly: One guy in her mouth with the dental gag, the other plowing her pussy. At one point, the guy at her head comes and tags out for somebody else, and toward the end of the video, the second guy raping her face pinches her nose closed. Oh, and when the other guy blows his load, you can see her belly bump up and get weird every time he shoots. It's totally unrealistic, even for a series that has had our three stalwart rapists shooting out enough jizz to fill a swimming pool.

That's all the time I'm going to waste on reviewing this. Art that doesn't mesh with the way Pridot's looked up 'til now, super-repetitive animation, and no sign of the creativity that marked the action in the first couple installments. Sad.


Pretty Pridot: Main Edition Part 3
/ 130pt (10%還元)
2D animations in the high-end quality! After a variety of sexual intercourse, Pridot is finally going to lose her anal virgininty and go in group sex!
お尻/ヒップ 汁/液大量 複数プレイ/乱交 アナル ツインテール 巨乳/爆乳
  • 販売日: 2018年09月11日
  • 販売数: 1,884
  • (4)
  • (187)

I cannot recommend this, not even on sale. Part Three suffers from a lot of serious problems, including repetitive animation, strikingly uneven art quality and styles, and poor pacing.

This one consists of two "combined" videos. The first one starts pormisingly; the guy dunking Pridot doesn't look like a 'roid-raging freak, unlike in Part Two, and Pridot looks attractive enough.

And then they leave the bathroom, and it's horrible. The guys are back to Conan physiques (but fairly well drawn), and there are these close-ups of Pridot's face that just look awful--nothing like the art style in previous installments, and it even clashes with most of Part Three! I will give them credit for some good positions and creative use of restraints, but even this first video starts to feel like it's repeating itself before the big climax. After the money-shot, the last 23 seconds are literally just a shot of her asshole burbling out one guy's cumshot. A little slo-mo replay, some bubbles, some geysering... Whee?

The second video is really where I kinda gave up on the Pretty Pridot series. It's basically three scenes, and the first minute-and-a-half-long one is VERY disappointing. It really is like a loop; the audio isn't repetitive, but the animation is a super-huge letdown. You could have built the first 90 seconds of the video out of three or four five-to-ten second GIFs, and the whole thing is just a view of penises going in and out of Pridot's holes from below, in mediocre new-style art. The last minute is better, but again, it's basically two clips that could be looping GIFs for all the variety in action they show. The final insult is that the last six seconds is just white screen.

I was horribly disappointed in this installment; Pretty Pridot had started out SO promisingly, but at this point, I was literally just waiting for it to be over.

