
119件中 51~60件目
2024年10月11日 13時59分 割引終了
50%OFF / 100pt (10%還元)
An adventure story of an exiled princess who became a sl*ve in a war-torn world! Sometimes they are r*ped by their enemies, sometimes they work in the brothels to earn travel expenses! It is a Japanese style RPG with defeat erotic event main.


女主人公 アニメ つるぺた 合意なし 回し 貧乳/微乳 パイパン 血液/流血
  • 販売日: 2022年07月26日
  • 販売数: 327
  • (1)
  • (32)
  • レビュアーオススメ!


There's so much to like here. Solid story, characters with some depth, a good combat system, and choices that actually matter.

Sengoku Slave is a vengeance story; a princess is enslaved as her lands are invaded, and you have to re-gather your companions and free your people.

Simple set-up, but better than it sounds. For an H-RPG, the game does a great job of showing the consequences of your actions and making the NPCs feel real. Every time I started to wince, the game surprised me; Yotaro is a great example. At first glance, he looks like a borderline-racist caricature; he wound up being one of my favorite PCs, with a good story and some fantastic lines: "I am sad as a hole in the butt that I will not be able to see you." Awesome!

The story is solid; while it gets predictable toward the end, most of the game keeps things morally ambiguous enough to keep you guessing. Moreover, the choices matter; dialogue and events can change based on what you do - and it's neat to see how the after-game reflects that. I was a little disappointed in the ending, but only because I was hoping for something fresher from this stellar game.

There are some bugs - if an NPC moves when you speak to them, do NOT talk to them again; if they try to move into a blocked square, the game soft-locks. And don't flee from spider-ambushes! Translation is mostly good, with a few pronoun mis-cues or slightly off wording; the meaning is always clear. Unfortunately, there are some untranslated things - mostly "examine" text.

Gameplay is good; the abilities ramp up at a good rate, and you can examine a lot of things, which I appreciate. A low point is the lack of danger; fights aren't easy, but there are healing spots everywhere, and it rarely feels like you're in danger. But it's not grindy, and I didn't get bored. Also, bonus points for changing dialogue for NPCs as the game progresses.

H-stuff: Animation is a little amateurish, but the art is decent, and the writing is very good. Music is awesome. Voice-acting isn't great; it sounds so familiar that I'm pretty sure it's the same stock squeaks and moans that have been in various low-budget games since 2012.

Last thing: I *really* like how you're not forced into slutty or pure routes. After the first act, you have total control over your characters' actions, and it's all well-written enough to sound plausible.

It's a winner. P.S. Prostitute Migoro. Hilarious.

1人 が役に立ったと答えています
2024年10月11日 13時59分 割引終了
50%OFF / 100pt (10%還元)


ドット 道具/異物 つるぺた 中出し 触手 異種えっち
  • 販売日: 2013年06月06日
  • 販売数: 7,219
  • (3,838)


This is frenetic game is basically a non-stop frenzy of rampaging around, grabbing stuff, and setting off traps. Some of the animations are good, the trap-laying puzzle-like aspect is engaging, and the action is definitely non-stop. Unfortunately (for me, at least), there is often too much going on to really stop and pay attention to the H-stuff.

Part of the confusion stems from the fact that the English translation is serviceable but seemingly incomplete. I always had a hard time figuring out exactly how I was supposed to progress from level to level; I got some help from a forum, and learned that you're supposed to look for items in orange rooms, and when you get enough, you can finally escape through the goal door.

While there's a lot of creativity in here, the learning curve is pretty steep, and there's not a lot of time to enjoy what's going on - especially when you're struggling to figure out how the game works.

2024年10月11日 13時59分 割引終了
50%OFF / 60pt (10%還元)


マニアック/変態 3D作品 格闘 色仕掛け 中出し 屈辱 命令/無理矢理
  • 販売日: 2019年06月07日
  • 販売数: 315
  • (3)
  • (106)

I... actually really like this game. It's surprisingly good; the running and fighting animations are amateurish, the dialogue is laughable, the bad guys look like refugees from a 2007 flash game, and sometimes your boat flips over for no good reason and you eat some damage. And yet, it all somehow... works. The goofy animations and stilted dialogue wind up being fun, rather than disappointing, because it all comes together like a campy masterpiece, taking me back to a childhood spent watching terribly dubbed kung-fu movies early on Saturday morning. I love the dialogue, which more often than not ends with one character shouting another's name ("Holy crap! Bad guys come in to hit us! The dojo will be broken up by them! Come back now and defeat them! Omena-chan!"). I love how the incompetent female junior at the dojo is named "Manly-chan." I love how the old master delivers all his lines with a "holy shit!" yelling face. It's glorious.

The gameplay itself equally distributed between "good" and "WTF?" It's hard--not soul-crushingly so, but rather in a surprisingly challenging way. Level design is nothing to write home about, but there are occasional flashes of excellence; one sequence where you have to execute a series of jumps, trying to stay on a flaming wheel rolling around the underworld (no, seriously!) is especially memorable. Searching each level for the scrolls you need to collect is hard, but you won't need a walkthrough to find all of them; it's the right balance between effort and reward.

Enemies are varied, challenging, etc., and - crucially for a side-scroller! - will often spawn and attack from more than one side, keeping things interesting. I will caution that two of the bosses (ones which feel almost tacked-on in the middle of the game) are a bit more difficult than most, which might be frustrating.

H-scenes are good; Omena-chan is cute enough, but I definitely thought Manly-chan was lovely, and was happy to see her get so much on-screen action. Most enemies have standard rapey/molesty attacks, and animations unlock in the gallery after you complete a level.

One thing of note is that the game-over scenes are WAY more hardcore than in-game attacks. Most have a heavy ryona component; I was astonished and, uh, excited, but be aware that the brutality meter cranks up to a solid 8 or 9, with blood and injury present in some.

All in all, this one is a winner.

2024年10月11日 13時59分 割引終了
イドラの影~The Shadow of Yidhra~
50%OFF / 90pt (10%還元)


女主人公 断面図 ゾンビ 中出し 屈辱 淫乱 命令/無理矢理 ポニーテール
  • 販売日: 2021年01月31日
  • 販売数: 27,358
  • (8,931)
  • レビュアーオススメ!


Shadow of Yidhra is a nice run-'n-gun side-scroller, with clean mechanics, good graphics, and smooth animations. It's a pretty standard story--"Where am I? Who am I? Why are there zombies everywhere, and why am I so good with guns?"--that does what it needs to do and keeps the action moving. Caveat: The translation is not spectacular. You rarely run into anything that's totally incomprehensible, but some of the notes you find are definitely confusing, and the dialogue is sometimes clunky. Furthermore, some of the conversations kinda stretch credibility; it's hard to imagine making friends with somebody who decorates their lair with what looks like innocent abduction victims. :P

There's an excellent selection of power-ups; you can customize your character for all kinds of different attributes and builds. I think all of them can be effective, used properly, but you'll likely settle on a focus or two and fill your slots with ones that work with your play style.

Weapons are good, but there are clear winners and losers, and you don't really need to collect all of them. Some of the late-game weapons are markedly inferior to ones you got earlier, and others can be skipped entirely. There's almost TOO much ammo and health available; I never once felt any kind of tension related to my supplies.

The enemies are definitely a plus here. Each type moves and attacks differently, and you really need to learn to read them to avoid getting pummeled. Unfortunately, there aren't many places where you have to worry about new enemies spawning behind you, so again, there's a lack of tension.

H-animations are good, and nicely animated. There are a couple of variations for each enemy, and the gallery interface is simple and easy to navigate.

There is ONE broken thing that can literally stop you from finishing the game. I'm not sure if it's been addressed or not, but there's a scene in the survivor village where the game glitches out unless you temporarily switch the language to Japanese. It's right after someone says something about "check the room;" change the language when you talk to the children outside.

All in all, it's fun enough to play through once or twice, but likely won't hold a ton of replay value after that. You might dust it off every couple of years or so, and spend a few hours trying out a different build, but for me, it's not going to be a constant fapping companion.


5人 が役に立ったと答えています
Wings of Roldea [English Ver.]
/ 170pt (10%還元)
A pose-art changing free scenario action RPG
断面図 ファンタジー 屈辱 回し 触手 ツインテール
  • 販売日: 2018年11月05日
  • 販売数: 5,509
  • (533)
  • レビュアーオススメ!


This game is huge, well-made, and genuinely interesting. There are a ridiculous number of plots and side-quests and branching paths, and the maker did an incredible job (mostly) keeping you from breaking the game or closing off plot avenues unwittingly.

So, the game: Good mechanics. You have health, mana, and energy, all of which need to be managed. No energy means no attacking, no mana means no spells, no health means slow movement.

You mostly travel by yourself, but occasionally have a companion; there's a cool mechanic where your buddy doesn't fight independently, but rather boosts your stats in specific ways and gives access to certain abilities. The choices you make and people you meet determine which paths are available to you, and which "endings" you can reach - more on that later!

Good stufF: Tons of enemies, a fun gallery system (the in-game arena), decent translation, adequate-or-better story, and lots to do. The game is complex enough that you really need to explore, but not so byzantine that you *need* a walkthrough. Just wandering around, paying attention to what people say, and exploring will find you most of the goodies. You can also play pure or not, as you like; there's a fun curse that you can only break by being slutty, but you can power through and stay virginal if you want.

H-stuff is really, really good; the more "experience" you get, the more you're affected by those types of attacks. Great animations, too!

Problems: The magic hitbox is often terrible. The animation will appear in one place, but actually hit farther away than is indicated; this means a lot of trial-and-error work when you get new spells. Also, there are a number of "endings" that aren't actually ENDS, which confused the hell out of me the first time through. The only mutually-exclusive endings I can recall are the main quest ones; other ones let you keep playing - but some of those aren't "persistent," making changes in the game world, which is a bummer. Also, it's possible to lock yourself out of one of the endings early on (which I did); there ARE a few things that you may want a walkthrough for.

And quibbles: Time passes too quickly between bouts in the arena, and double-penetration anal/mouth attacks aren't counted properly for experience or stats.

All in all, this is an amazing game. I keep going back to it, both to play and to "play."

/ 160pt (10%還元)
丸呑み 異種えっち 悪堕ち 巨乳/爆乳 猟奇 責め苦 血液/流血 リョナ
  • 販売日: 2014年12月31日
  • 販売数: 13,282
  • (5,754)

I want to start off by saying that I'm not a huge fan of guro content, but I do like some games that feature it. This one fits the bill--with some caveats.

First, it's devilishly hard (ha, ha). It's not impossible, and you can beat the game without using Invulnerability Mode, but it *will* take you a number of tries to beat it. Fortunately, the gameplay is solid enough that it'll draw you back in, trying to earn a perfect score for every area.

Second, the gallery mode kinda sucks. It's not horrible, but they pad out the animations by including, for instance, every possible costume you could be wearing while you drown. That's not awful in itself, but the interface is clunky; you have to move up and select the animation you want to view, and then move down to the start option, then back up again to view the next one, and so on. Again, not horribly outrageous on its own, but when you couple the short duration of some animations with the numerous button-presses needed to get through each section, it's annoying.

The art isn't too bad, although I wish there were a little more variety; most animations are either some kind of saw chopping you into giblets, or a brief sex loop, or some kind of melting or burning. Definitely more on the guro side than porn or even ryona, so make sure you're all-in on dismemberment before you buy!

If the gallery were better and there were more sex, this would be a four-star game. As it is, I gotta give it a three: worth it if you're particularly into what the game has to offer, but give it a pass if you're even a bit squeamish.

2024年10月11日 13時59分 割引終了
50%OFF / 90pt (10%還元)


着衣 ファンタジー 屈辱 拘束 触手 貧乳/微乳
  • 販売日: 2012年07月22日
  • 販売数: 32,427
  • (12,923)
  • レビュアーオススメ!


Way, way back, I bought this through a guest log-in; at some point, I lost the file, and since I had an account by then, I went ahead and bought it again. It's that good.

Almost every aspect of this game is spectacular. The gameplay is challenging and interesting enough that it'd be fun even without hentai; there are a number of difficulty modes, ramping up from super-easy to extremely hard. Certain enemy attacks damage Iris's clothes, destroying her blouse, skirt, or panties, and you can see her increasing embarrassment as she's stripped, shown by her expression in an on-screen portrait. When you run out of life, on-screen enemies will ravish Iris until you choose to continue or view the game-over animation--and every one of those is detailed, varied, and beautiful. One nice touch is that there are up to six possible animations for (almost) every enemy, reflecting Iris's state of undress when you lost. What's particularly nice is that the animations aren't just the same loop with different clothes; some are significantly different depending on what Iris is wearing. Even better, they're not just a simple repeating loop, but have random voice-acting and motion cycles incorporated. There are a couple of ryona options, too; if you let her get pummeled before viewing the game-over screen, some enemies have a second, beat-up-Iris set of animations.

Literally the only legit complaint I have is that the tall grass in Stage II obscures some of the on-screen action after you've lost; I would gripe that there's no English translation, but that's just icing on the cake for a game like this.

Bottom line is that if you like side-scrollers, some ryona, tentacle/monster/zombie/ghost/weirdo/devil-dog/plant/insect rape, and good gameplay, this is a 100% winner. Buy it at full price, just to give the maker his due!

/ 120pt (10%還元)
合意なし 触手 巨乳/爆乳
  • 販売日: 2014年03月06日
  • 販売数: 9,442
  • (3,350)
  • レビュアーオススメ!


I first played Xenotake years ago, when it was originally released. It's held up pretty well through time, with good animations and decent gameplay, although I will admit it's more of an old favorite than a holds-its-own-today game.

The scenes are great, the gallery is well-implemented, and the story is tongue-in-cheek good fun; I almost wish there were more games set in this universe, so you could explore it more.

My only complaint is that the game is too easy; there aren't enough battles where you're attacked from both sides, and you wind up with a ridiculous amount of extra armor, making you effectively invulnerable. If there were a genuine hard mode, this would be a five-star game, for me.

LAG Studios
/ 20pt (10%還元)
  • 販売日: 2020年12月24日
  • 販売数: 541
  • (2)
  • (109)
  • レビュアーオススメ!


Survive! is fun enough, big enough, and cheap enough to be engaging--as long as you enjoy what it has to offer. The premise is straightforward: There was a zombie-apocalypse-type calamity, and you're one of the survivors. The "Hunters," a group of bandit baddies, is moving into your area, and your team needs to gather resources and drive them out. You have 45 days to defeat them by completing a dozen missions, with four turns per day. You control up to four women, to whom you assign the tasks and jobs you need to do, managing their needs to keep them ready for action.

Good stuff: There are a fair variety events that can happen while exploring, and they can play out differently depending on who is involved. There are some good inter-character interactions--assigning several person to watching TV is a good example--and each one of them has a distinct personality and preferences. The game rewards critical thinking when figuring out what to bring on a mission, and it's well paced.

Bad stuff: The interface is not intuitive, sometimes. The game originally only had three characters, so when you try to look at everyone's inventory, the fourth woman doesn't show up. You have no idea what some items are when you first find them, because the icons aren't very descriptive. Some missions are trial-and-error, since using the wrong gear means failure, but your characters usually get an idea what to bring next time around. Everything's random, so it can take a long time to find certain items or unlock specific activities. Also, take notes or a screenshot when you find new areas or fail a mission; otherwise, you can have a hard time figuring out which gear to bring.

The H-stuff: On the plus-side, the English is passable, so you're never wondering what's going on. Which is good, 'cause all the H-events are text-only, with an unlocked still animation. The art quality is high, but there's no way to see the text and the picture at the same time, and it's clunky when you try to change from one picture to another. You can unlock pictures through events or by purchasing them with points earned by playing a minigame--which sucks SO bad. Just move up and down, firing continuously, and you'll be fine. But it's a horrible grinding slog to do it.

All in all, it's so cheap that if it seems vaguely appealing, you should go for it. If you're looking for polish and animation, though, give this a pass.


2024年10月11日 13時59分 割引終了
20%OFF / 96pt (10%還元)
おさわり お尻/ヒップ シリアス 屈辱 秘密さわさわ 羞恥/恥辱 命令/無理矢理 スパンキング
  • 販売日: 2019年05月21日
  • 販売数: 54,794
  • (23,865)
  • レビュアーオススメ!


I'm not going to write a terribly detailed review, 'cause I'm late to this party, and my blurb is gonna be buried behind pages of others, and likely never read.

But in the off-chance that someone DOES find this and read it, I have to sing the praises of this game!

First off, the game is now fully translated--and pretty well. There are a few bobbles with the translation, but nothing that keeps you from completing--or enjoying!--the game. The ONLY thing that I'd caution is that there are a couple of descriptions in peoples' papers that don't match the portrait; in particular, there's a man with green hair who is described as having "blond wavy hair" on his ID. Just a heads-up; until you know all the particulars, there are going to be a few times where you look at the person, look at the ID, and the two just don't match, yet the computer thinks they do.

Story is good, or at least serviceable. Dialogue is nice, art is good, and you can play out your power fantasy to your heart's content. You have a chance to make a few meaningful choices (always a bonus, in linear games like this!), and have essentially unlimited time, so you can perv out as much as you like without worrying about getting fired. :P

It's a good price, well-made, and damn fun to play. I only wish the game were longer!
