Bobby Chowさんのレビュー一覧

レビュアーランキング - (役に立った数:89)
投稿数ランキング - (総レビュー数:132)
132件中 81~90件目
性為の戯れ / 秋野かえで
/ 100pt (10%還元)
いつもの通勤中、あなたは気を失い、目が覚めると見知らぬ部屋にいました。 なにが起きたのかわからないでいると、目の前には絶世の美女が……。 「ここ最近の草食系男子の流れを鑑みて、男をマゾにすれば性的積極性が得られるかどうか、その被検体に選ばれたの」 佳波と名乗る女性から衝撃の告白を受けたあなたですが、どこか佳波の誘いにグッときてしまいます。 身も心もマゾ化されていく快楽に溺れてしまうのか……今、佳波の調教が始ります。


女医 手コキ 中出し SM しつけ 言葉責め 巨乳/爆乳
  • 販売日: 2022年08月24日
  • 販売数: 4,655
  • (1,098)
  • レビュアーオススメ!



You're just doing your usual thing, traveling on public transport to void the rising costs of gas prices, when you're suddenly incapacitated and and wake up restraint in an unfamiliar room.

A woman appears and introduces herself, she's Kanami and you were selected to be trained into a masochist.

The story's one of those "restrained and forced to cum" type of works.


The tracks come in both .mp3 and .wav, with a SE-less version available.

With there being 6 tracks in total, though they aren't individually named.

Spanning around 1 hr+ of playtime.

The sounds are quite diverse, though there are little ambient noises aside from plot-related sounds. The main points are in the premise of the VA teasing you as you're going through various lewd scenarios.

The realism is there, and expresses the feeling of being sexually tortured to a great extent.

However it's only at the last few tracks where things get more spicy.


There are 3 illustrations, 560x420, 4093x2894 and 4093x2894. The first two relate to the cover art and the last one is the bonus illustration as teased in the product page.

Overall good quality and visual depiction of the premise, though there are no bonuses, nor a .txt file explaining anything whatsoever.


Overall worthwhile for the cheap price. So it's recommended if you're interested in this Masochism audio work.

The VA's performance is good, and complements well with the well-written story premise.

[Azur Lane ASMR] Commander Pampering Team! Does Onii-chan Dream of Pampering Unicorn?
アトリエメール / 加隈亜衣
/ 150pt (10%還元)
Unicorn will do her best!Today, Unicorn will give it her all for your sake!Unicorn takes a bath with you, cleans your ears, and even sleeps by your side...Meet Unicorn's slightly indulgent side.
萌え 癒し バイノーラル/ダミヘ ASMR 日常/生活
  • 販売日: 2022年09月11日
  • 販売数: 587
  • (2)
  • (69)
  • レビュアーオススメ!



Much like the other AL ASMR works, Shipfus from your dock (assuming you're lucky enough to pull them) have started a secret trend of pampering the commander. (Hint: that's you).

This time the lucky girl that gets to sed- I mean pat pat the commander is Unicorn. The lovely purple-haired healing Aircraft Carrier who loves her "Onii-chan" alot.


Tracks are in both .mp3 and .wav, which is the standard for ASMR works on DLsite.

With an introductory track and 5 main tracks,
spanning around 1 hour+

The contents are quite standard for a SFW ASMR work, though the main triggers and sounds don't really sound that good. However, the portrayal of Unicorn pampering the commander would likely make up for this.

The ambience as a bonus however, was implemented quite well.

===Illustrations and Bonuses===

Now, the Illustrations section is simply a little bit overkill.

There are 2 main folders of illustrations.

First being a folder with 7 different 2560x1920 wallpaper-viable illustrations of the cover art. The expressions are what changes on Unicorn, and to say the least, are extremely cute.

The second folder includes special mobile wallpapers in varying sizes, 1440x3216, 1287x2778 and 1080x1920.

Quite a variety for various Unicorn-lovers out there.

Moving on, there's also a couple english-subtitled videos, in addition to extra voice-lines type of videos. Though the extras don't seem to be english-subtitled. (This might be added on in the future).

It's a great way to understand what Unicorn is saying throughout the tracks, with Unicorn in the background. To truly appreciate her healing, both in-game and in this ASMR.


Overall, although the base price of 1.6k Yen is quite expensive when comparing the standards of 1k Yen+ ASMR works, the soothing voice of Unicorn, as well as the decently implemented ASMR sounds are a great way of showing appreciation for Unicorn and Azur Lane's endeavors into further unwarranted degeneracy.

Also an FYI to pick up the two Free ASMRs for their wallpapers and short-length audio tracks.

6人 が役に立ったと答えています
/ 80pt (10%還元)


連続絶頂 薬物 巫女 寝取られ 屈辱 拘束 くすぐり 回し
  • 販売日: 2022年07月01日
  • 販売数: 4,684
  • (5)
  • (1,062)
  • レビュアーオススメ!


/ 80pt (10%還元)


連続絶頂 屈辱 しつけ 拘束 くすぐり 命令/無理矢理 回し 触手
  • 販売日: 2022年02月26日
  • 販売数: 6,245
  • (8)
  • (1,343)
  • レビュアーオススメ!


Scenario this time revolves an office-lady theme with an office setting.

The CG's are derived from a game, but ofc it's cheaper when bought with just the CG.

As usual there's a tentacle scenario at the end, and the scenarios displayed are related with sensual plays like brushes on the nipples and bondage with blindfolds.

I bought this with the help of the bulk sale, which honestly was a good way of purchasing a lot of CG's from this artist.

I do recommend picking this one up, though you might be interested in the Keqing or Nun ones more.

The tights fetish is strong in this one though, or at least for the first couple illustrations.

/ 80pt (10%還元)


薬物 シスター 屈辱 しつけ くすぐり 回し 触手 異種えっち
  • 販売日: 2021年07月18日
  • 販売数: 2,850
  • (3)
  • (843)
  • レビュアーオススメ!


Another purchase from one of the better bondage-themed artists on DLsite.

The situations and "limitations" then artist imposes on their scenarios are a good mix of "intense" and "lewd" without venturing into the eternal abyss of What-the-fuckery.

Although this CG set is derived from a game, it's way cheaper to buy just the CG and is probably just as lewd as well.

This time the scenario is Nun-related. And as always, has a tentacle scene at the end.

I bought this as part of the Bulk sale bundle, and it's honestly very worth it.

The no-text versions are also a good addition.

/ 190pt (10%還元)


総集編 薬物 中出し 屈辱 しつけ くすぐり 触手 異種えっち
  • 販売日: 2021年08月28日
  • 販売数: 2,398
  • (3)
  • (563)
  • レビュアーオススメ!


It's my first time buying from the CG/Manga genre, but I really enjoyed the artwork and "cultural" tastes from the author.

This is a bundle of 4 works. The contents are quite vast, and go through a lot of scenarios.
Common themes being nipple teasing, sex toys, bondage, usual sex, drugs, and a tentacle-themed scene.
If you're a fan of all these different fetishes, then this artist's Illustrations are some of the best depictions of them.
Definitely recommended.

Their ci-en page may also have coupons for the premium plan, so it's a pretty good system for supporting the author.

Whisp / 白沢サヤカ
/ 110pt (10%還元)
彼女は、ヘンタイのマゾが大好きな女の子。 イジメて欲しいとやってきたあなたを、全力でバカにしながら耳かきしてくれます。


バイノーラル/ダミヘ ASMR 耳かき 手コキ 言葉責め 耳舐め
  • 販売日: 2020年02月11日
  • 販売数: 7,566
  • (3,087)
  • レビュアーオススメ!



I don't think there's much plot here, MC is a Masochist and wants a girl to dom him, simply put, he get's what he wished for.


There are two audio folders for .MP3 and .WAV, each has 1 title call track, 7 main tracks and 1 bonus track. The contents are themed around being a submissive masochist. And the first couple tracks are mainly ear-cleaning themed.

Though as the tracks progress, it gets more bolder into the ear licking and handjob bits. The verbal insults and spitting was a really nice touch for those who like to be abused in such a way.

The total playtime is kinda long as well, around 2 hours in total. So there's quite alot of content to enjoy here.

The VA, who is the same VA as another similar work I bought (RJ282788), did well in creating a dominating atmosphere while creating a different feel between the two works.

===Illustrations and Bonuses===

There are 4 illustrations, in 3000x2250, 3999x6000, 1000x750 and 1000x750 respectively. It includes concept art and the full cover art (the 3000x2250 one). It will fit well as a wallpaper, and since it's SFW it's more plausible.

Moving on to the bonus content, there's an additional .txt file which is the script for the whole thing. It's quite detailed, with dummy head positions and what sounds are being utilized.

It's great if you're a non-japanese speaker looking to get a grasp on what's actually going on.


Overall a very worthwhile Audio work. From a nice little series. The essence of Sadism is there, though at the default price, it's not really worth purchasing, when compared to works of a similar price range.

However, the circle Whisp, does give coupons on Ci-en. That and with the occasional seasonal discount, any price below 1k is already a good deal for this. Definitely recommended.

Whisp / 白沢サヤカ
/ 110pt (10%還元)


癒し バイノーラル/ダミヘ ASMR 耳かき 手コキ 足コキ 言葉責め 耳舐め
  • 販売日: 2020年06月09日
  • 販売数: 9,701
  • (3,638)
  • レビュアーオススメ!


ぱちぱちぼいす / 天知遥
/ 110pt (10%還元)


バイノーラル/ダミヘ ASMR おもらし アナル 耳舐め 潮吹き ささやき
  • 販売日: 2022年03月25日
  • 販売数: 3,496
  • (1,152)
  • レビュアーオススメ!



Quite a classic scenario, Producer of an idol gets laid and served by the idol heroine.

The contents of the audio work have a decent amount of talking, quite similar to other works from the same circle, Pachi Pachi voice.

Though it's more centered on the sex aspect of things. (Which isn't my preference however.)


There's quite a lot of content in this circle's works, especially ones like this one which includes a couple looping tracks.

Firstly, there are 6 main tracks, 9 looping tracks, for a total of 15 tracks, spanning around 3 hours or so. In both .WAV and .MP3 format. There's also SE and SE-less versions.

The sounds are on-par with the circle's other works, and the quality is superb as always. Though since the work is mainly centered on sex, it is mostly moaning. Which although isn't my thing, is surely someone else's.

The loop tracks are a great addition however, being mainly ear-licking oriented. With 3-way style ear licking, like other works of the similar style.

Tho the heroine's voice is too high pitched/squeaky for my taste.


Like usual, the illustrations are very high quality.

There's 7 illustrations, 5 are info images from the product page, the cover art with text and without text. The cover art is in 3508x2657, which is quite large and perfect for wallpapers if you're brave enough. (Or like idols alot.).

For bonus content, there's a vertical japanese script for everything.

Personally, although the production quality is extremely well-done for these scripts, it's simply too annoying for non-native japanese speakers to translate. I had to download the PDF, convert it into word, sort the text into horizontal, and then process a translation.

However, if you can read/understand japanese, you'll know what i mean when i say it's a high quality script.

Other than that, there's a readme.txt file, with the usual bit of extra info/thank you message.


For a pachi pachi voice work, it's definitely up to standard of works with a similar style. For the default price this audio work is worth the 1k+ Yen valuation.

By a discounted price standard, it's really worth it. I believe new products sometimes come with coupons as well, so definitely do consider buying this if you end up with an extra coupon or two.

悪の組織アクメハート 怪人ラブ・スクウィーズの搾精ジュルペロ誘惑ゲーム
abnormal fantasy / 分倍河原シホ
/ 100pt (10%還元)


逆転無し 淫語 バイノーラル/ダミヘ ASMR トランス/暗示ボイス おねショタ 言葉責め 逆レ
  • 販売日: 2020年07月03日
  • 販売数: 8,812
  • (3,837)
  • レビュアーオススメ!



The main plot revolves around you, the MC being a hero. You got abducted by an evil organization that wants to clap your cheeks. But you've been blessed with holy magic so they're only choice is to make you cum till it wears out.

Emma and Miri will force you into withstanding their pleasures. The concept is similar to a "game" where you can activate a "shield" up to 3 times.

The game concept is quite a cool idea, that's not too commonly seen in ASMR. But if you're not a Japanese speaker, even with translations it might be pretty hard to understand the rules properly.

Regardless it's not a necessity.


There are 2 file types, .WAV and .MP3, with 19 tracks in total. The track orders are explained in both the product page and a readme.txt that comes with the audio work.

But main points is that there's about 9 main story tracks. Rest are either "loss" tracks, or "win" tracks.

The audio quality is fine, and is mainly ear-licking oriented. I could not hear any handjob/sex sounds however, but it might be a lore-wise restriction.

Then again, it IS a game-concept afterall.

===Illustrations/Bonus content===

There are 10 illustrations, including a text-less version of the cover art. All of them are 2000x1500, which is pretty decent for usage as wallpapers. Extra information that's on the product page is also shown here.

Moving on, there's a pdf file with the whole script in it. This is pretty useful if you're a non-native Japanese speaker. Though you'll have to use websites like DeepL if you want to translate PDFs.

The readme.txt is last and just has a bunch of extra information inside of it.

A funny note inside is also included, "Please listen to it on your bed or futon so that you don't have to worry if you fall asleep".


To conclude, it's definitely a very unique type of ASMR work. The Voice actors play the role of seductive succubi really well, and the scenario concept itself is well-crafted.

This audio work is worth the price, when compared by standards. But with a discount it is even more worth it imo.

2人 が役に立ったと答えています
