ccant님의 리뷰 일람

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1건 중 1~1번째
Sailor suit beautiful girl, clitoris torment, life ending death orgasm! After making her beg to be killed in a hellish situation, I tr
330 JPY / 2,973 ₩ / 30pt (10%환원)
Sailor suit beautiful girl, clitoris torment, life ending death orgasm! After making her beg to be killed in a hellish situation, I tried to make her cum until she died
연속 절정 세일러복 아헤가오 애태우기 유두 자극 클리 자극 아프게 료나
  • 판매일: 2024년 05월 01일
  • 판매 수: 12
  • (1)

Text is rotated 90 degrees which makes it hard to read.
text changes size, sometimes isn't translated, and occasionally overlaps

Getting a translation is nice, but when its outputted as so, its near unreadable

The translation itself is what you expect from machine translation, so you should expect what you get on that end.

The story is fine if you read auther's other works, only issue is the.

just please rotate the text so its not sidewise

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