
評論家排行榜 - (有幫助的數量:1)
投稿數排名 - (鑒賞總數:1)
1件中的第 1~1
Dr Red's Zombie Apocalypse
770  JPY
/ 70pt (10%回饋)
ゾンビの発生! ドクター・レッドは大量のゾンビの波を食い止めて人類を滅亡から救うことができるのか?
女主角 內射/中出 巨乳/爆乳 血液/流血 受虐
  • 販賣日: 2024年07月25日
  • 銷售數量: 891
  • (3)
  • (108)

I liked the concept of the game. Art and design of the waifus is very visually pleasing.

However, I think there is room for improvement:
- There is a keyboard shortcut to restart the level but this action has no confirmation, so if you press it by accident you will lose your progress instantly.

- Not all monsters have interactions with the girls, which disappointed me.

- The end of the game feels abrupt, there is no message or epitaph about the story or any thanks from the developer, not even credits.

- I wish there was some manual or tutorial about the game mechanics. There is a unit called "Penguin Droid" and I have no idea how to unlock it

- Some optimization is required, when there are many characters on screen the game starts to get slow.

