【韓国語版】隷属女王 ―ドスケベボディのダークエルフ女王が悪徳貴族に完全征服されるまで―

  • 【韓国語版】隷属女王 ―ドスケベボディのダークエルフ女王が悪徳貴族に完全征服されるまで― [Translators Unite]
Lanzamiento 03/24/2023
Autor エルトリア
Guión エルトリア
Ilustración 瑠璃ららこ / raru。 / Ai Kisaragi
Formato del Producto
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Idiomas Admitidos

Resumen del producto


Camilla, Queen of the Dark Elven Forest.
Replacing her predecessor who died of illness, she became a leader at a young age and protected the peace of the forest.

One day, upon learning that some of her people have been restrained by a neighboring country, she goes to visit Baron Kubal alone.


It was a trap set by the baron so that he could capture Camilla and make her his plaything.

In exchange for the release of her people, Camilla accepts being fit with a sl*ve collar...
and abandons herself to her new fate of forced sexual servitude and humiliating sexual discipline.

In the face of the baron's relentless torment... Camilla is finally broken and.....

34 main pages (including cover)
+ 32 without text page variants
+ illustration materials
JPG file format

Planning / Script: Erutoria
Artwork: Rarako Ruri
Cover: raru.
Design: Ai Kisaragi

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